Discussion: A Lundergan Grimes Power Grab In Kentucky Sparks A Revolt

Religious-minded Republicans should control everything. It’s what god intended. Just ask Sarah Huckabee Sanders.


If there’s one thing Kentucy MAGAt’s are, it’s revolting.


“It’s too much control for one person to have.”

meaning it’s too much control for a democrat to have. way to go, Alison.


Yeah, wasn’t a Kentucky guy one of the ones who said there were no problems with KY’s election systems even when they were being hacked?


in other KY news …


Not to defend Grimes or power grabs, but this shit is going on in about 20 GOP-controlled states without a peep of protest from GOPers.


I like Allison. I’ve met and spoken with her over the years in various roles. She’s always been an exciting candidate, despite initially playing things far too close to the middle for an old Yellow Dog like me.

I’ve never been fond of her Dad, the former KDP chair, whose reported activities in the state party are infamous, many of which I would not be comfortable to discuss in writing.

This allegation is 100% in his style- ethically questionable if not in fact outright illegal. If true it’s a shame that the apple didn’t fall farther from the tree. Despite all the reported facts I hope this is a misunderstanding rather than the naked corruption it appears to be.


The best part of that story is that it’s Bevin’s own attorneys saying that, not the AG. She’ll put up a GoFundMe or something.

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There, FIFY

Actually, when I went back and parsed @maximus’s post, I think he and I actually were saying the same thing but his is more grammatically correct. Sigh… I have been editing a journal article all day and my eyes are crossed and the letters are swimming before my eyes. Sorry. My bad. It’s coming up on 5 p.m., think it’s time for a cocktail or 6. I’d send one to you @maximus, but it’s a bit far away.


Yeah, I saw that too.

Hope she gets socked with it. Actions have consequences. First, she doesn’t get re-elected (done), second, she personally pays for not carrying out the oath of her job (pending).


a court ordered Kentucky taxpayers to pay more than $222,000 in legal fees for the gay and straight couples who sued [Kim Davis]

Now that jerk gov Bevin is throwing her under the bus, and wants her to pay.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.

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The lack of checking, the DOJ claimed, resulted in a voter roll with numerous incorrect entries.

Once again GOPDOJ, it isn’t registration that’s the problem, it’s the voting.

That being said, voter rolls do need to be legitimately cleaned up. Not by phony name matching processes, but the system they’re using. If someone doesn’t vote in 4 federal elections (that’s 8 years) and a mailed piece is returned, that’s a pretty good indication they don’t live there anymore. And maybe don’t even live anymore. So you take them out of the system. And if they go to the polls on Election Day, have same day registration or provisional ballot check.

And board members? Your role is oversight, not placating the person who is supposed to work with/for you. Asking for a redo on your vote is tantamount to admitting that you’re not qualified to be on the board in the first place.

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Never been fond of her dad, either. I’m not sure what to make of this. Is it a true power grab, or is she slow-walking an attempt at voter suppression?


I doubt voter suppression.


It’s Sara Huckabee SLANDERS!

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I’m surprised at the title of the article. There is a dispute, proffered by those in the (former) status quo. There is actual oversight now with impact about, among other things, the ministerial duties of agency staff, none of which are necessarily benign notwithstanding “staff” carrying them out, as the application of statutes relevant to their duties have distinct political implications. There is no “power grab”. Merely the exercise of legitimate authority that impedes the continued rat-fucking by the election board and county authorities in restricting the right to a ballot and a vote by members of marginalized communities.

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But things have been going so WELL in Kentucky elections! Why change anything?

Let me tell you how much I trust the Kentucky political machine to do the right thing… okay, done now.