Admittedly, I am a Virginian but can I sign the petition as well? Just count me as ‘moral support.’
Football/Basketball/Baseball on both college and “national” level……no more!
I’ll sign it with a quickness and I’m pretty dammed sure all the liberal’s I know wouldn’t hesitate for a second to sign it…bring it on lets go… lets go… lets go
Yes. For me, especially as I live in another state, AZ, known for the odd behavior of not a few of it’s citizens, it’s purely a clinical interest.[1]
[1] Edit: And, I should add what Mrs Von Holst thinks is a mild form of Asperger’s syndrome.
38 fewer red electoral votes is a proposition difficult to decline.
Just go already! Good riddance.
While not being a respecter of borders, knuckleheadery does seem to congregate more in certain areas, than others. And I hate to tell you this … but Bush, Perry, Goehmert, Abbot, etc. etc. etc.
Yes! And we’ll force the Texans to pay for it.
About that Texas secession campaign. Can you sign if you don’t live in Texas. If so, they wouldn’t have any problem getting 75,000 names.
Right. Every state has its knuckleheads. I should know being from Alaska. But Texas also boasts perhaps the best or certainly one of the top two cancer treatment centers in the nation (MD Anderson) where my wife requires treatment of a not yet FDA approved chemo drug. So in spite of GOP efforts to set women’s health care back in Texas, there is still much cutting edge science and technology to be found there.
Back to the knuckleheads though, who may have never heard of Texas v. White, the 1869 U.S. Supreme Court case that found the U.S. Constitution blocked secession. Quoting that case: “Considered therefore as transactions under the Constitution, the ordinance of secession, adopted by the convention and ratified by a majority of the citizens of Texas, and all the acts of her legislature intended to give effect to that ordinance, were absolutely null. They were utterly without operation in law. The obligations of the State, as a member of the Union, and of every citizen of the State, as a citizen of the United States, remained perfect and unimpaired.”
…Not to mention we fought a war to suppress a rebellion as the Constitution required over “secession.”
I will only support Texan secession if they promise to take Oklahoma with them.
I grant you that the strain of knuckleheadery found in Texas is an especially virulent one.
Well there are two possibilities that could explain that:
- The number is big enough that they can’t count that high
- The number is embarrassingly small.
Although, I guess both could be true…
I will give it a try. I obviously don’t know all of the representatives in Texas, but the same names pop up time and again in the news, so I think I can get most of the truly crazy:
By my count 6 of the Texas US Reps are Batshit crazy (Gohmert, Ratcliffe, Barton, Flores, Farenthold, Sessions) The rest of the delegation is stupid, I will grant you, but I don’t think they reach the level we are looking for. So that is 6 out of 36, a 16.7% BatShit Crazy ration.
Minnesota for example has 1 out of 8 BatShit Crazy delegate (Emmer). That is 12.5%.
Now, we are dealing with small sample sizes here, but I think we can make a fair argument that Texas is no more crazy than Minnesota… or is at least within margin of error. At least, based on the Congressional Delegation they send the DC. Which is elected by the people so there should be some correlation.
The very best to your wife in her treatment.
And maybe Kansas too?
I think Kansas should stay to serve as an example to the rest of us of what can go wrong if you elect nothing but Republicans.