Discussion: A Group of Texans Are Trying To Make Secession Happen

And Greg Abbott is worse than Rick Perry too.

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You mean the “Unblackening” as Larry Wilmore calls it?

So these folks believe the Texas GOP hates America.
I believe it too.

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Wonder if they plan to fire on Fort Hood with a WW2 surplus 75mm?

It’s the fracking chemicals in the water down here, Ralph.


We can then close all 22 military bases in Texas, close ALL Federal Offices, stop ALL Federal Funding, and then BUILD A WALL to keep the stupid shit-kickers out of the USA.
They can then rename Texas “Jesus-Gun-Fucker-Land” and get on with their lust for killing each other in a orgy of “Purity Wars”.
When it is all over in 6 months, we can then point to the smoking ruins of “Texas” as what happens when Gun-Nut-Bible-Thumpers are given power.


You forgot to mention that national Democrats also support the measure, and similar measures in other Southern states.

Knew there had to be polling data on this. 36% of Texans favor secession.


“The end game for us is to have a binding referendum on Texas independence, much like the people of Scotland had in November of last year,” Patrick Miller, the president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, told the Tribune.


Dear Mr. Miller

When you lose that vote, will you resign from leadership or will you blame the Democratic party for that misstep?


wonder how the corporations based in texas will like being in a foreign country. the import taxes on their goods will be stiff. and, of course, there will be no open border. visas issued to only the “good ones”. military bases gone too. say, this could work! can we keep austin and san antonio? we will build a very large wall around them to keep them durn texans out.


Some good news at last! Good riddance by EOY 2016 ? We can only hope.

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I remember the statistics unit in one of the few math courses I was required to take in school as a difficult time in my life. But I’d agree your batshittery quotient would certainly vary among the states. You look at Texas, it was a Confederate state and an independent republic at one point, so I mean, it’s in the DNA there to yell about secession. But I do get annoyed at the facile stereotyping people do about southern and western states every time some fringe group or goofy state rep says something fringily goofy. Some of our good friends in the little family here are from Texas; others are from Arizona, or Mississippi, or Kentucky. Molly Ivins was a Texan. Larry McMurtry is very much a Texan. Ornette Coleman, basically the guy who made the world safe for avant-garde saxophoning, is a Texan. I just think it’s tiresome to say “Let 'em go” at every opportunity. It’s stereotyping, and it’s boring.


On the plus side, secession would remove a number of thoroughly odious numbskulls and creeps from Congress, including Louie Gohmert, Pete Sessions, Joe Barton, Randy Negebauer, John Cornyn, and of course Ted Cruz. This would reduce the GOP’s margin in the Senate by two, and their margin in the House by 14.

On the negative, it’s a certainty that secession would consign all non-whites in Texas to a permanent status as second-class citizens at best, with a gradual re-imposition of a 21st-century form of Jim Crow in the bargain. And as Matt points out, there have been and still are plenty of good people in the state.


I see so many people in favor of Texas, and the south in general, seceding. Fuck that! Do you know what they’d do with all of the national parks and monuments? Destroy them! No! A better idea is to encourage the secessionists to head south and try to take over Mexico. It’s a win-win, as they’d be gone, thereby reducing the surplus population and increasing the national IQ of this country, and then they’d be obliterated by Mexico (and they would be, GO MEXICO!). Save the parks!

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Won’t happen. Football. Once it is slowly explained to people in Texas that their college teams would not be eligible for the NCAA football title, only the National Championship of Texas, support will die. But as I said, slowly explained…


Then they’d get to pay for the wall between mexico and the current US all by themselves…pretty damn funny to think about.


Yeah, my question is whether any voter can sign that petition or just Republicans? Because watching them have to vote on secession sounds like an excellent way to drive people away from the R’s.

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New Motto for the state:

“Texas…We’re A Special Kind Of Stupiid”

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Pleas, please, please. Let us all back them.