Discussion: A GOP Tantrum And Filibuster Could Briefly Shut Down The Government

Discussion for article #230935

Will Ted Cruz ever grown up? Both should be in a double room at St. E’s.


While it sounds a tad extreme, shutting down the government in other countries amounts to the equivalent of attempting/participating in a coup plot; or subversion - which could bring on criminal charges of high treason or even facing the death squad in more brutal regimes. Not advocating that such extreme actions be considered here, but there ought to be some ramifications for these a-holes for refusing to do their jobs. You can’t shut down the government and throw tantrums simply because things do not go your way.
They (the GOP) scream of Obama ripping up the constitution yet, they shut down the government and refuse to do their jobs - How is that a constitutional action ? If they do not like the government or its actions, why be a part of it, albeit a subversive, treasonous part ?


I love these guys. We refuse to fund Emperor Obama’s Illegal Immigration Plan.

Okay, what did Obama do? He said “There are 11 million illegal immigrants in this country and we only have money to deport 400,000 of them. Instead of randomly selecting people, let’s prioritize which 400,000 we deport. Let’s get the criminals and terrorists out of the country and leave the law abiding parents of kids who are here legally alone.”

So, he’s not funding anything, he’s just prioritizing who goes with the money they have. If they cut funding, that means less illegal immigrants to deport and more stay in the US. Good going, guys. Mission accomplished.


“…one senator…”

One vacation. Such significance.

Today’s GOP. Cruz’n for a bruisin’. Two years of this bs and the Dems will sweep the next election. Proceed Senator!


What a slimy smug piece of caca… every time I see his mug i think Backpfeifengesicht (thanks to a TPMer for that one yesterday I believe)…


Could the other 98 senators take Cruz and Mike Lee and tie them together, gag them, and lock them in a broom closet for a few hours until legislative business is done?


Does he polish that chin, or is it a malignant growth?


Since this is about the 10th speculative article this reporter has written this year about the Republicans shutting down the government I think I’ll keep my exasperation in check until it actually happens.


Since that’s a mouthful even for a German speaker, ‘Arschloch’ (asshole) works for me…


I’ve said all along that I expect multiple shutdowns from the Radical Republicans and this is precisely what I expect.

Looks like I’m going to have to do the go to work and not get paid thing again.

This is why we need a Recall amendment in the Constitution!


But I wanna hear Raphael read ‘Go Dog Go’ from the Senate floor.


I guess it’s possible the Speech and Debate Clause could be stretched to cover immunity for false imprisonment claims, but if there was any certainty that the clause protected them from liability for intentional tort claims, surely someone would have kicked the shit out of Joe Lieberman at some point during the Bush years . . .


AMerica GAVE Ted GRUZ a MANDAte to SHUt doWN thE goverNMEnt over OHBummer’s ILLEgal MONArchicizatioN of USA. The PResIDent caNNOT jUSt ISSUE execUTIVE ORders. TIME and TIME agAin, GOVernment SHUTDOwns HAVE PROVed WILDLY popular WITH Americans. STOP oHBUMMer’s NAKEd POWer GRAB. SHUT DOWN the GOVerNMEnt. PermaneNT REPUBLICAN MAJORITY FOREVER!!11!11one!!!1!!!


Looking at the photo of Cruz, it look’s like the back of his head is shrinking and his face is growing larger!
I’d like to know more why it took his old man Rafael over 50 years of living here, before he became a citizen! What was the reason for the delay?
I also believe that his father is his “Achilles Heel!”


I don’t know why Democratic aides think peak crazy can be reached by Cruz.

It can’t.

It won’t.

Get used to this.


Tee hee, hee! I love this. LUV this! This is what America wants because that’s why these barnyard exhibits got elected. As Congress has never been able to stop any insanity from occurring, time to embrace it.


If a government shutdown will get Ted Cruz off my TV for a while, I’m all for it. Cruz said he was willing to do anything to stop “…the president’s illegal amnesty.” LMAO ________How’z bout’ setting yourself on fire Teddy. Yup! That would work for me.
Carnival Cruz…Half Canadian, half Cuban = Wisdom of Bieber and the soul of Scarface.


Stephen King assumes the role of seer:

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