Discussion: A GOP Plot To Oust Boehner As Speaker?

Discussion for article #228036

That would free him up for some Meet the Press appearances.


The Democrats should run some Operation Chaos in there and vote en masse for whomever runs against Boner.

All the guy needs is 20-25 GOP votes and the Dems could make him speaker…for great lulz. :stuck_out_tongue:


Sounds like nothing less than a double-dare. The last thing you want to back TPer’s into the corner with is ‘don’t tread on me.’

It’s likely that Boehner will continue to be at the front of the longest run of Congressional ineptitude in modern times, if not US history.



He has survived Cantor’s Knives in the Back for so long.

Shouldn’t JoeBlob get a pass???



Look at it this way-----as long as the utterly incompetent Boehner remains Speaker, the GOP can’t do much damage vis-a-vis their usual bad legislation.


This is where the TPers ultimately slit their own throats. If they don’t aggressively and actively seek to replace Boehner, and instead, “play the long game”, then they run the very real risk of either getting voted out by their TP base, or of turning off that base to such an extreme that they can easily be voted out by the establishment.

If they do push aggressively, and lose, then leadership can and probably will, extract retribution out of their hides. Thus pushing the entire caucus to the back benchers and effectively nullifying them.

The only path forward is to vote out Boehner. But of course they lack the organization and numbers to make that happen.

We can hope that the good folks in Ohio, the believers in good government for the people, will do a “Cantor” on Boehner. It could happen…

"Is it because I is orange???"


Realistically who’d want the job. If you allow votes where the few remaining moderate Republicans might join with the Democrats to pass something you’d be branded by the teaparty bigots. On the other hand, if you kowtow to the teaparty you are knowingly stopping all progress towards improvements for the American People. It would take somebody Really Stupid to want that job. Unfortunately, Boehner qualifies.


Do we dare to hope that this could be moot–if the Dems got many more seats than expected?

Only if Boner prevents GOPer bills from getting to the floor. The Tea faction is still around. Boner has to placate them some how.

Should that happen I’d break into a massive happy dance and completely embarrass myself.

Are there any?

“I play a long game,” Hensarling told National Journal in an interview this week."

This is how they look at the Big picture. A game. A game with the people as the pawns and power and wealth as the prize.

chart out “a new direction” for the House.
So you mean doing nothing to accomplish nothing has somewhere to go??
I guess there is always sideways.

“…Boehner’s vulnerabilities and conservative grumblers’ disorganization…”

His legacy for all time.

True enough, and while it might be fun to help topple Boehner, remember, anyone who runs to oust Boehner, is going to be well to the right of him, and who wants to deal with someone who believes in the tea party code of behavior? The Speakership has too much pull to have a dangerous ideologue in the position.

Useless is as useless does…

JB —the most do-less and careless Speaker ever.