Discussion: A Frazzled Congress May Not Be Able To Clean Up Trump’s DACA Mess

Thing is…they don’t want to pass anything major. That would mean acting like adults and doing their jobs. They would much rather fuck off on vacation. Consider. Being a member is at best a part time job for $174,000/yr


They have 12 days… now 11 days in session to get their asses in gear and pass a budget (well ok, a continuing resolution funding stuff to December), then Harvey relief, then the debit ceiling. As you say… they cannot find their own ass if it were on fire… and they just had 5 weeks of vacation! Is it any wonder their approval numbers are around 15%? Yet we keep reelecting them!


What motivated me to apply the comment was Bobby Jindal. I’ll always remember his statement. Thanks for that info.



This is obviously all Obama’s fault.


Not only that, he gets to sit back, continue to do no work, and critique the process and the players from the sideline. He’ll even have his “Their bill is so mean because I, like, love these brown kids!” moment.

He’s a fucking unstable sociopath! If congress wants to make their job easier, they need to remove him from office. You want to demonstrate bipartisanship? Get him out NOW!


John Stewart knew what was happening . .


" I don’t see anything in that little hole at the end of that steel tube " …

Hey … this is fun ! —


To state the obvious, we are all, with the exception of Native Americans, immigrants or the descendants of immigrants. (I know some people whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower think they’re special, but that is ridiculous.) Just because my ancestors came from Sweden and Germany doesn’t mean a goddamn thing. That Republicans can’t tell their base voters this fundamental fact is disgusting.


Well, well, well. . . . to add to the confusion for Dreamers, Trump has just said that he will “revisit the issue” of DACA if Congress doesn’t come up with a solution in 6 months. He is, apparently, responding to all of the swift condemnation his action received today. In addition to the basic meanness of leaving the fate of these young people hanging, I wonder how the business community and the stock market will respond to this ridiculous uncertainty?

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So far …DOW down 234 points ----


DREAMers will be allowed to stay if they sign an affidavit stating that they know of 8 (or more) undocumented immigrants who voted for Hillary in the 2016 general election.


Let’s be frank here. The GOP really doesn’t want these people to become citizens and likely Democratic voters. They would rather round up people like animals and show their racist, fascist Nazi side than give up Congress any faster than what they know is coming eventually.


It’s all about turning citizens against each other now with the Republican Party. Income inequality is real to anyone who isn’t a billionaire now. The American Dream must be denied to them.


“Hope springs eternal, how about that?” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) said with a laugh. “People have been working on this for a long time. Maybe this is the catalyst that actually results in some action.”

RoJo to the rescue with the stupidest and most truthless response. None of those people have been working on nothing or other for no time at all. Hence the problem.


The White House has also shown no leadership on what kind of fix it wants, and instead has simply threatened Congress to get something done.

“It would be helpful if he would say, ‘I’ll sign the DREAM Act, or I’ll sign the SAFE Act,” Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) told reporters Tuesday, ticking off various immigration bills currently floating around the Senate. “I want to hear him say what he’ll sign.”


Jeff sessions loves his EUGENICS. Like controlling the white race through selective breeding. He bragged about immigration laws of 1924 called for The preservation of the white raised by demanding certain groups of people to be ordered to be fixed so they cannot have children. Donald Trump loves his Jeff sessions they’re both on the white train to fascism Hitler style

You say it in snark but an hour ago I heard some nut say on CNN in all seriousness it was Obama’s fault cuz he used an Executive Order which had to be unConstitutional because he did it. I had to get myself a shot of bourbon…otherwise I would’ve killed my TV.


But the overwhelming majority of them are latino. I’m pretty sure that’s what @lkeitherz was alluding to.

Nearly 70 percent of beneficiaries of the new DHS directive are from Mexico, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. The remainder are likely comprised of mostly Asian and Latin American immigrants.

BTW: You know they’re screwed because Cockholster said “We love the Dreamers. We love the Dreamers.”

To quote the Rick Wilson Axiom, “Everything Trump Touches Dies.” ETTD™


We’ve known since Republicans took control of congress that congress is dysfunctional, incompetent, and broken. We know the SCOTUS is now controlled by Republicans and it too is now dysfunctional, incompetent (Gorsuch, Thomas, Alito), and broken. Now with the Trump white nationalists in the White House, it too is broken.

America is doomed as long as we allow Trump and Putin to rig our elections! It is time to show up and resist and to take America back from the racist Tepublican minority!


I predict that number will continue to go down. It’s only a matter of time before some countries - absolutely disgusted by the US and its immoral government - decide to boycott American goods and services. And just wait until the so-called great negotiator (sorry, the bile rises again) starts slashing and burning trade deals.

BTW, I’m still going strong on my vow to buy as little as possible during this Tramp badministration. I won’t add a penny more than necessary to this economy.


Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can’t, I will revisit this issue!

Trump just can’t seem to get anything right. With this statement he opens the door to re-instituting DACA, which he and Session already called unconstitutional, not only that but now all the deplorables are wondering if Trump is going to double-cross them. All without making a single friend in the other side.

This guy wants his approval rating to be zero. But the deplorables just refuse to admit that they have been conned and keep supporting him.

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