Congress cannot find its own ass with both hands right now.
Trump’s bet is a fizzle.
Nobody could have predicted that an ignorant and narcissistic buffoon would make congress’ job more difficult.
“It would be helpfull if we knew what he would sign” ? What?
Pass a Dreamer Bill alone with 2/3 vote and tell him to shove it.
Fucking. Cowards.
I stand by it:
“Start with something that shouldn’t be an issue: if they’re going to live here and pay taxes, they should have the fucking franchise. Why should racist TX receive a freebee on keeping a state red by refusing to allow taxpayers to vote? This entire fucking fiasco of a country started on the very principle that such a situation [taxation without representation] is abhorrent to our god-given inalienable rights as human beings. So tell me…are they human beings or not? That’s the question we should be asking these assholes. Not, “would you like some tea with my capitulation?””
From Trump’s point of view, this is perfect. He gets to blame Congress for something he did, and gets Sessions to be the hatchet man so he isn’t on the news doing it.
This is a no win situation for the GOP. Trump set them up to take the fall if they pass something or if they don’t. Yet again this is another GOP created disaster. They want to be in power but not actually do anything except tax cuts for the wealthy
While Durbin mocked a reporter’s skepticism that Congress could pass a bill at all — “Some people look at a donut and just see a hole,” he lamented
Wrong analogy, Dick Durbin: Black holes suck, and that’s all they do. With the R’s in charge and busy with their circular firing squad, a black hole is a lot closer to what Congress is.
Asked Tuesday if Trump would support a standalone bill to restore DACA, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders would not answer outright, but hinted that he expects strings attached to any DACA bill—in the form of more money to crack down on undocumented immigrants or funding for a border wall with Mexico.
I triple dare that yellow-bellied bowl of jello to veto a straight DACA bill.
He’ll probably sign a straight up DACA bill, if one could get out of the House. As long as little Paulie Ryan insists on having a majority of the GOP caucus voting Aye before allowing something to the floor that ain’t happenin’.
Frazzle, lack of time, and general clusterfuckery will all doubtless be cited as the reason congress inevitably fails* to provide a DACA fix but McConnell, bless his cold, reptilian heart, provides the tell: no mention of it for the simple reason it is flat-out not a Republican priority and absolutely will not be allowed to distract from the vital task of more tax cuts for the 1%.
*inevitably because the only ‘fix’ they could get past their revanchist core membership would have such toxic elements that even the most feckless, ‘centrist’ Democrat would take pause.
For those on the Left, we knew it would happen but the Rethugs clearly didn’t. They thought he would be their puppet and that he would merely provide the proverbial digits to make their dream legislation happen.
Turns out the "puppet’ was infested with a demon and that the deal they made with the devil is long overdue.
Ya think? Like with the ACA, he placed this live grenade in the hands of Congress, hoping it would blow up on them, while he golfs and tweets and licks Putin’s anus. Dreamers are screwed, unless the Dems agree to the shitbag of demands of the GOP to get a bill passed, then we’re all screwed.
“Hope springs eternal, how about that?” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) said with a laugh. Says the cretin with a heart of dogshit. Have you had one minute in your life, Senator, where you have actually worried about your health care, or your next paycheck, or perhaps the well being of someone other than your family members or donors? Just one minute.
“It would be helpful if he would say, ‘I’ll sign the DREAM Act, or I’ll sign the SAFE Act’…”
It would be more helpful if he would say, “I’ll sign a Letter of Resignation”.
Of course, they won’t fix a damn thing. The Republican leadership insists on only doing things that make the fringe of the fringe happy. They could pass a good immigration bill by the end of the month if Ryan let Democrats participate and told the FreeDumb Caucus to bugger off.
Paul Ryan is too cowardly to even attempt to lead Congress, not the GOP, but Congress, towards passing any real bill about anything. There is no longer a Republican Party. No party has a majority in Congress. The remaining Republicans are so afraid of being primaried and defeated that they will not pass anything that isn’t called a tax cut. Add to that the fact that we have a morally and intellectually bankrupt “President”, who is a habitual liar about everything he talks about, and we are in a total governmental crisis. Fortunately we aren’t facing a military threat now…oh, wait…
Nice to know the White House Press Secretary regards the lives and futures of 800,000 young people as a mere “tweak.”
[quote=“stradivarius50t3, post:10, topic:61740”]
As long as little Paulie Ryan insists on having a majority of the GOP caucus voting Aye[/quote]
The Hastert Rule required a majority of the GOP caucus voting Aye. The Boehner/Ryan rule requires that the bill pass solely with GOP votes. Big difference. That’s what gives the Free to be Dumb Caucus so damned much power.