Discussion: A 'Dumpster Fire' Ex-Con And A Russia-Loving Dem: What To Watch In 2018's First Big Primary Night

Got my D primary NC voting done Saturday. Probably should of done like my mom used to do sometime and switch to Republican to try and get the lesser of two evils in case a R wins the election.

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WV just got the kiss of death! The “president” made his endorsement and it is … not Blankenship! Which means voters will be split on the other two candidates. Which means that, as a result on the split vote, Blankenship wins. Which means Trump will then throw his full support behind Blankenship, thus applying the Kiss of Death. Which means Manchin wins!


Has Susan Serendipity of The Glorious Revolution Committee expressed her undying and wholehearted love and support for Dennis Kucinich yet?
I can’t believe any Dems ever supported that idiot. He is Ross Perot without the money. It’s like when people were giving tongue-baths to Glenn Greenwald because they believed he was the savior of American freedom. Just pull your head out of the ass of that sparkly unicorn, you maroons.


If Blankenship wins the GOP primary, a week later we’ll hear Trump saying how the 29 miners who died should have gotten jobs at McDonalds if they didn’t want to take the risks of working in a coal mine, and that Don Blankenship is being persecuted by “fake news!”.
I mean, look at how many coal miners “Crooked Hillary!” killed.


If cornered, I guarantee Comrade Bernie and Comrade Stein would give their full-throated support for batty Grandpa Kucinich!


TPM should really get out of the sensationalism business. The most important elections today are the House races in Ohio (+ senate race) and North Carolina, and the state leg races. OH-Gov is also important, but the focus should be on front runner Cordray, who is up by double digits in the most recent polling, not the mini Russian stooge.


To Cameron Joseph: Your unfortunate use of the term “ex-con” denigrates all those men and women who have been incarcerated for offenses and return to society after serving their sentence. When does the punishment end? If all of us were to have a brief statement of the very worst act we’ve ever done tattooed across our forehead none of us would be acceptable. The idea of labeling a person an ex-con does just that. Formerly incarcerated citizens try to reenter society daily and face unforgiving attitudes like this. Use different words please. As a journalist you surely know better words.


Title image is 10/10. Getting my Prime worth of laughter this morning.

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Nina Turner & Co (aka Our Revolution) have endorsed Kucinich, so Susan Serendipity’s endorsement is implied.


b-b-b-but if you ask Nina Turner and the Plain Dealer…


Candidates like Kucinich are being activated wherever they can act as spoilers. A lot of dark money has gone into mapping out these corrosive options. If Ohio Democrats fall for this—or if Ohio Republicans cross over in sufficient numbers to give Kucinich the win—then Ohio remains a solid Republican (i.e., Charles Koch) hold in November.

As for Blankenship, my hunch is that much too much has been made of him quite strategically, so that in the very likely event Morrissey wins (another good loyal Koch man, is Morrissey) the press will fall all over itself on the morning shows tomorrow, gushing about the restoration of Moderation, and Donald’s Power, and a Big Win For Mitch, and whatnot, boosting Donald’s poll numbers while ignoring the fact that Morrissey is a Koch operative and that this is all very bad news indeed for democracy.

Morrissey will come to Washington to continue the task of destroying the safety net, shredding our justice system, deregulating toxic industries, eradicating our public education system and our public sector unions, eliminating women’s rights and civil rights, and slashing taxes on wealth.


But Democrats have their own worries in Ohio, where a compromised, useful-idiot-for-the-GOP dickhead has an outside shot at winning his state’s gubernatorial nomination in spite of his strange defense of Russia, praise of President Trump and ties to Syrian President Bashar Assad.



Gotta believe Kusinich’s goose was cooked after it was revealed he took speaking fees from a pro-Assad group…


I don’t disagree with your general point, but you picked the wrong example. This guy deserved the tattoo.


Looney Tunes endorses Looney Tunes.

Sounds about right.


Yep – one loony deserves another. Two utter morons whose actions betray everything they claim to support. You know, kind of like all the Bernie Bros/Steiner dead-enders. Bunch of morons and frauds, all of them.

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Completely agree, wish all media would spend more time promoting the smart and stable candidates who are the ones that can help right this ship that Trump and the majority of the extremes are actively over-turning.

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Or, “They knew what they signed up for.”

Agree that people who have paid their debt to society deserve to get a second chance. But then most of them probably didn’t cause the deaths of 29 people because of their criminal negligence…