After 8 years all they have are epic FAILS and no one to blame but themselves.
Sucks to be them.
That sad McConnell face is one I can bear looking at. In fact I wouldn’t mind seeing more of it.
Pence may have to cast the deciding vote, but I’m still convinced that this bill will eventually pass. They’ll find a way to strike a deal with enough of these holdouts the same way they did in the House. Republican leadership will stop at nothing to get these tax cuts done.
In the end the only solution will be for the USA to join most civilized nations and introduce a single payer healthcare system.
McConnell will round up just enough votes to destroy Healthcare. What we need to discuss is how America ended up with a ruling party that truly hates America and Americans.
Yeah, the calculation is not enough blood or too much. I’m afraid the not enough blood side will come to see this is as much as they’re likely to get and settle for it. As for the too much side they cave cause, after a period of stylish hand-wringing, that’s what they do. If the bill moves it moves toward more blood.
“…to find a path forward that truly repeals and replaces Obamacare with a plan that makes certain Kansans will have access to more affordable and better quality healthcare.”
Just more disingenuous bullshit… there isn’t a scrap of evidence that Republicans give a flying bloody fuck about giving anybody more access to “more affordable and better quality healthcare.” If they did care, they wouldn’t have spent the last six years actively sabotaging the implementation of the ACA at every opportunity.
The only thing they care about is giving tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans.
Ya . That would be it.
If only those poors had their own lobbyist and were able to make campaign contributions
Politico has an interesting article on the history of Medicaid. The article starts with some appalling statistics on the state of American children’s health fifty years ago. Anemia, parasites, and poor dental health were rampant, among other problems.
He (or she) should keep on saying it.
Roll those grenades, boyz! Let the fraggings continue!
Start with FOX news and the partnership of Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.
McConnell has a real problem. He has at least three on the “left”, Heller, Collins and Murkowski with a few others hinting “No”. He has at least three on the right, Cruz, Lee and Paul, with at least clueless Johnson roped into their camp. He also knows that anything he does to make the “left” happy, will be ripped out by the House, thus dragging it out longer and starting the whole process over again.
His situation on the left probably got decidedly worse after Pence’s super PAC dropped a money bomb on Heller. Heller is a lost cause to McConnell now, but the very fact that it happened will also make the other Senators very prickly.
So in a nutshell, he can only lose 2 votes, and he loses at least 3-4 either way he goes to woo holdouts.
President Trump… [announced]: “If we don’t get it done, it’s just going to be something that we’re not going to like and that’s OK.”
wow, what a great negotiator he is! He really knows how to lay down the law. I bet Syria is quaking in its boots over his latest threat regarding chemical weapons.
I’ll take a victory wherever we can get it, but it’s more than a little disappointing that a lot of this is the GOP shooting itself in the foot and Trump being an ineffective president who doesn’t know how to get a Congress of his own party in line with his agenda.
But we must give the Prez room to grow, he’s new at this doncha know?
Trump is a shitty deal maker and negotiator and the Republican party doesn’t have a viable healthcare plan that isn’t just a blatantly obvious attempt to funnel money from the poor to the rich?
I mean, it’s as if liberals have been telling the truth this whole time, and Republicans have been lying about literally everything?
Who knew!
They are desperate to have the Democrats share the blame for their whoring, trying to pull in Dems is next. Murkowski was talking about that but with the current framework, no way. Thank Christ that excrement Lieberman is not in the Senate.