The White House’s newest spokesman has released a response to the court’s decision.
Injunction remains on the parts that matter (the travel ban), injunction vacated on the parts that don’t matter (internal review of policy), and injunction vacated as to Trump personally because it has full effect against the other defendants.
Trump, of course, will declare total vindication.
But he just got toasted again.
So much winning!!!
Well here comes another ten pounds worth of junk food consolation.
Next on Fox: Is Hawa’ii a secret Islamic state? Obama’s mosque found!
Down goes Trump! on loop.
Incoming angry tweet in 3…2…1…
For ’tis the sport to have the engineer
Hoist with his own petard.
Hamlet, Act III, Sc. 4
Coming soon:
“I am the supreme ruler of the good. Court makes us less safe. Word salad.”
Disgusting! Must go Tweet. Sad!
America’s judges: We’re not tired of winning.
So third time is not a charm. Darn it!
Just a big fat ZERO. (Granted, it would be more clear if he wasn’t hampered by those short digits.)
So the Trump administration will just go ‘judge shopping’ again? Do we await ‘tweet bashing’ on the 9th Circuit again? How about obstruction from the Dems? I have my popcorn at the ready…
I have no expectation that the orange thing will accept this truth.
rejected Monday by a San Francisco-based federal appeals court, which said Trump had exceeded his authority and violated a ban on discrimination based on national origin.
@sysprog It was issued in San Francisco so expect the usual tirades.
If only we could put him and his cabal before the examination of the court, we just might be able to get rid of him!
This is why you don’t let idiots like Giuliani, Bannon, or Sessions write any sort of legislation
Luckily Trump is too stupid to take that advice!