Discussion: 8 Immigrant Families Demand Millions From DHS For Separations Crisis Trauma

Good, Great

And the drip, drip begins, I only hope that this dries up DHS funds.



I was waiting for this happen. You can’t kidnap children in breach of international law and the common law of false imprisonment without generating some kind of legal pushback.


Justice would be to pay civil damages by harvesting and selling the organs of these barbaric DHS agents. Start with kidneys (both) and retinas.

Discovery is going to produce some horrible evidence.


Pay them the money and send Nielsen and ICE folks involved to The Hague.


We knew this was going to happen, I can’t wait to hear how KAC and SHS spin this since they are both mothers.

Hey ladies!


DHS agents should be aggressively prosecuted for child abuse by the next administration.


It should be easy to track them down - the “death’s head” insignia they’ve chosen for their cap badges makes them readily identifiable.

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The discovery on this will be horrific. We will find out how much of this was planned. (When your defense is that you were stunningly incompetent, it’s a bad place to start.)


In my opinion since the “zero tolerance” policy was trump’s
doing (he signed the executive order), he should pay whatever the fine is out
of his personal bank account and not out of a foundation, company or any
donated money. He should be vilified in the media for this cruelty. It should
be hung around his neck like a rotting smelly and very dead albatross. And after paying the fine trump should
rightly spend a decade in solitary in prison for committing child abuse (with
over 2000 counts).

That’s what should happen in a decent and logical world.
In my own feelings because I care about the decent treatment of people I am generally a pacifist but in this one case I think trump should be beaten to a bloody pulp for his intentional and institutional cruelty to this kids and families. I used to hold Nixon as the worst president but he has been usurped. I hold trump right next to Hitler in my pantheon of hated people.

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Well, why not start at the Executive Order outlining the Zero Tolerance policy. That would be a good place to start. After all it isn’t like they did this in secret. Trump signed that order in public in front of cameras. And it was broadcast everywhere.

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