Discussion for article #235298
A statistic that will garner lots of weapons’ sales.
And the NRA says Prai$e the Lord and Pa$$ the Ammunition!
Well, there goes the neighborhood…
Gotta keep redrawing those voting districts, GOPers.
Slip sliding away!
Finally, we can get some decent take-out…
Oh my goodness I’m starting to feel victimized. Actually I feel like I’ve been kristallnachted, enslaved, raped and thrown under the bus all at the same time, and that it’s high time we took America back from the 47% or whatever.
(Shrugs) Oh, well; it is what it is.
Don’t give up hope until the governor announces that henceforth he’ll answer to Edmundo Jerónimo Marrón.
Imagine if everyone voted what congress would look like.
This isn’t good.
You’re right. It’s terrific!
LOL. Get a taste. You’ll learn to love it and get over it. I did. Your turn! Find your rainbow, sounds like you’ll need it.
Oh, I actually welcome it! I miss living in San Francisco’s Mission District with all the different flavors from Mexico, Pakistan, Cuba, Japan, China. The people were wonderful to hang around and the food was (mostly) amazing. Growing up in fairly rural Virginia in the '70s and mid '80s, I am ever so glad I made the move to California in '89 (just weeks after Loma Prieta!). Unfortunately, it is mega expensive there for poor people so I no longer am able to enjoy all those flavors and the people.
Sorry about my comment sounding neutral, etc. What I say to others who are fearful is to relax, life is always full of changes – enjoy yourself, learn about other stuff. :o)
Why not?
And a few more by todays date. That border fence sure is working isn’t it? At keeping them in.