Discussion for article #223045
What, no Republicans? At all?
Two things to note.
No Republicans. Just in case you were uncertain where they stand on racism.
Sorry, Democrats in the Senate. It takes 60 votes to get anything done. You should know that. After all, you’re the ones that refuse to change it.
Oh wow. I’m, like, so shocked.
I’d have thought there would be one or two. Guess I was mistaken!
It was not circulated among Republicans, which gives you some idea what the real intent of the letter was.
Or they could keep the name and change the logo to a bunch of potatoes.
I’d have thought there would have been one or two Republicans too given the large populations of Native Americans particlularly in some red States. Guess those States figured out a way to suppress their votes too, so no worries for their electoral chances I guess. I assume that’s what you meant by one or two…There were one or two Dems on this however. So what gives with that? They totally wussed-out on this I see.
How about 50 Senators tell the NFL to start paying taxes. It’s too much to expect anyone to believe the NFL is not all about profit.
Nor the racist Democratic Senators from Virginia either.
Why don’t you enlighten us on what the real intent was, and don’t forget to include a source.
What do you expect them to do even if they had 100 votes? How about if you don’t like the name, don’t be a fan of the Redskins. Don’t go to their games, don’t watch them of TV, don’t buy their memorabilia, etc…
Why do you have the need for the Federal Government to do something about it?
That is because the vast majority of Native Americas don’t care about what a silly football teams calls themselves. Only the activist who have nothing better to do and of course the White-liberal.
Really? In that case, can you name any outraged Republican Senators who would have signed on if “given a chance?”
Yeah, I’m sure they were just royally pissed that they were denied this opportunity to take a stand against bigotry, and act as a role model to help the bigots in their base evolve to rational, thinking, caring human beings who respect others’ differences. Because, as we’ve seen over and over, that’s truly what the Republican Party stands for: peace, love, and harmony among all people. Never has such a loving political party been so maligned and misunderstood.
You have to be fucking kidding me.
The Federal Government cannot and would not “do something about it.” The headline that 50 Senators “tell NFL to change name” is not correct. This is no doubt an expression of the sense of the Senate, and like all citizens, Senators have a right to express their opinions.
I see you’ve been nominated to speak for the vast majority of Native Americans. That must be one hell of a burden on you.
The Washington team makes money from their racist moniker…good luck prying it away from them. When you get right down to it, most, if not all corporations are okay with hurting people to make a profit.
Liberals believe the speak for all-Americans, so just speaking for a very small segment of the population isn’t really that difficult.
Given that it’s baseball season, why do the Cleveland Indians and their stupid looking buck-toothed big-nosed racist cartoon mascot not getting some attention?
So you agree the comment about it takes 60 votes to do anything is therefore stupid because that can’t do anything nor should they even if they had the power to do so.
It was the sense of Senate Democrats, minus of course the two racist Senators from Virginia that is.