Discussion: 5 Points On Trump's Indictment Of Clinton As A Lying, Scheming Criminal

“These are the same people who pay Hillary $10,000 dollars a minute for a speech.”

According to Trump’s own admission, he donated $110,000 to the Clinton Foundation so she’d come to his wedding. So I’m not sure why he thinks it’s outrageous people would pay to be in her presence. She’s famous, and she gets paid to be places.

TRUMP: I gave to many people, before this, before two months ago, I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give.

And do you know what?

When I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them, they are there for me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So what did you get?

TRUMP: And that’s a broken system.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What did you get from Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi?

TRUMP: Well, I’ll tell you what, with Hillary Clinton, I said be at my wedding and she came to my wedding. You know why? She didn’t have a choice because I gave.

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I do not know that she committed purgery about the server. She did not lie about it when she was asked if she had one.

Yeah, right.
I am really tired of hearing this bullshit from Putin’s Butt-Monkey.
Where are YOUR tax returns?
What is YOUR National Security Experience since you want to be the CIC?
Where are YOUR emails for the last 8 years?
What company do ALL OF YOUR CHILDREN work for again?
Where is YOUR testimony on the Trump University law suit against you? (perjury much?)
What does is say about you that YOU had to PAY HER $110K to just show up at your wedding (which one BTW?)

Ok im confused here

I just read an article from a talented writer that essentially asks ‘why isn’t Donald whining to Jim Comey?’


So can we have just the tiniest touch of analysis on what complete crap almost all of these claims are?


2016: “Access and favors were sold for cash. It’s called Pay-For-Play.”
2015: “Hillary Clinton, I said, ‘Be at my wedding,’ and she came to my wedding. She had no choice because I gave to [the Clinton] foundation."

2009: Trump gives $100K to Clinton Foundation
2010: Trump gives $10K to Clinton Foundation

2005: Trump marries Melania, which the Clintons attended.

Criminal. The timeline, that is.


THANK YOU!!! That was my first thought as well.

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Trump’s lack of imagination leads to me believe that his use, today, of “major criminal enterprise” as a description of Clinton’s behavior means that yesterday one of his lawyers used that phrase i.e., in a context similar to: “Donald, if you keep charging your own campaign exorbitant rent and continue to funnel campaign dollars into businesses run by you and your family, the FBI is going to conclude that you are running a major criminal enterprise.”

We’ve seen similar behavior from him before – he makes a racist speech and immediately calls Clinton a racist presumably to preempt her or the press labeling him.

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I guess that would make Trump an accessory for knowingly contributing to a criminal enterprise?

Running a piece like this, which makes no effort to provide context or fact-checking, really isn’t helpful.



I was reading this, thinking…

“I’ve heard all this horse-shit straight from the Horse’s Ass. Care to refute it rather than almost reinforce it by just repeating it?”