Discussion: 5 Points On The Federal Judge's Order To Block Obama Immigration Actions

Discussion for article #233329

more analysis: http://www.dorfonlaw.org/2015/02/is-there-silver-lining-in-judge-hanens.html

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Regardless of what one thinks of the ruling, the judge gave the Republicans in Congress a face-saving way out of their DHS funding mess.


Sahil, it would be helpful to address whether the effect of the ruling is to block the program nationwide, or only in the southern district of Texas, and if the former, why that is so.


Hanen’s 123-page ruling found that the states have “standing” to sue

Really? How, exactly, are they harmed, and how is that harm “irreparable”? Funny how the “unelected judges” go from demons to saviors based on the content of their rulings.


The Federalist society strikes again…

More (and always cogent) from Charlie Pierce:


An this is why Republican Presidents have put all those Federalist Society judges on our courts.


I’m waiting for someone in the GOP camp to display some intellectual honesty on the immigration issue. The Righjt frequently presents their position as illegals are breaking the law, have no business being in the U.S., and should be deported. OK, where’s the plan? Tell us how you’re going to send 12 million people south across the border with Mexico, to that country and others south of Mexico? Where is the plan? Having accomplished that what is the plan to continue having their vacated jobs filled? Jobs that U.S. citizens won’t perform for a combination of grueling work conditions and low pay.WHERE IS THE PLAN?


More Bush v. Gore… this time they found a xenophobic judge.


their “dream judge” :smile:

Said the Republicans afterwards:
“What? We’re still struggling to get the brown vote? How can that be?”


They’re just about wrapped up with their Obamacare replacement plan, then they’re totally gonna show us how to kick 'em all out, seal the borders, and make lazy not-Real Americans work for a change. (snark)


And, why so many Obama judicial confirmations being confirmed was important.

Who you like to have a drink with … not the way to pick a President.


Who appointed this judge and how does his previous negative pronouncement on Obama’s actions influence his ability to dispassionately decide the case on the basis of the evidence and legal arguments offered?


For now I’ m assuming their immigration plans were misfiled in the folder labeled “Find and kill Bin Laden”.


Teatrolls outraged that Obama won’t call himself Toby. Story at 11.


Ah, the plan is obvious, if you pay attention to actions instead of words.

The GOP is aware of the difficulty of deporting large numbers of undocumented residents and replacing their labor. They have no intention of attempting to do that.

Instead, the plan is:

  1. keep up the fear campaign about the alien menace (disease! criminals! drugs! terrorists! ¡Español!)
  2. blame the undocumented and D.C. inaction for crappy state services that are crappy mostly due to GOP tax cuts
  3. use legal tactics or scare tactics to discourage the undocumented from actually using state services
  4. use legal tactics or scare tactics to discourage the undocumented from complaining about employers who pay less than minimum wage, make illegal deductions from paychecks, disappear without paying workers, subject workers to unsafe or otherwise illegal conditions, etc.
  5. use “suspected immigration violations” to detain, question, and even search anybody (if they fit the profile – not white) the cops desire to stop
  6. continue to elect US Senators and Representatives that propose pie-in-the-sky mega-con$truction border barrier$ while keeping the budget for immigration enforcement within our borders too low to reduce the supply of cheap labor for businesses
  7. continue to support draconian drug laws that ensure massive profits for violent criminal gangs bringing drugs over the border and making life dangerous in the rural areas along the border
  8. crack down on businesses who hire undocumented workers – when hell freezes over and pink hippos go figure skating on the frozen surface.

The stay applies across the board. There were 27 states as plaintiffs, not just Texas.

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…which they apparently left on a subway in DC or something…

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What don’t you understand about fleets of school buses pointed south? haha

Did I say school buses? I meant rail cars…after we tattoo them all with bar codes so we know if they’re a return/repeat offender…


Add to #7 “Ensure massive profits for private penal institutions that in turn funnel a percentage of those profits to the campaign funds of the politicians enacting laws that create the product flow (prisoners) needed for their businesses.”