So, Tierny. More of the same, then. They got nuthin.
Please, let this be debunked as several giant steps BACKWARDS in terms of health care access, efficiency, and benefits.
Here you have the leader of the party saying outright “We’re going to fuck you and you’re going to like it,” and the know-nothing base saying “Yes, can I have another.” Further proof that most Republican voters don’t know a damn thing about anything.
That’s about it. In other words, they got nuthin
Obamacare IS the Republican Plan, Paul. He nabbed your lunch money and bought a nice sandwich with it–for all of us.
it would be up to legislative committees to “litigate” the size of plan’s caps
That sums up GOPer understanding of the legislative process in a single clause.
Yet another Nunya-Burger from Lyin’ Ryan. (Nunya == None o’ yo’ bidness.)
The Democratic resposse to this should be “The Republicans want to kick 20 million people off their health insurance.” That’s the headline. When they argue they have a plan for coverage ask them how the CBO scores it - it you can’t score it, it’s not a plan.
So in other words this is a bunch of half assed, incomplete b.s. thrown together to get our minds off of their POTUS candidate.
I don’t think it’s fair to call Obamacare a Republican plan. There are a lot of major aspects of it (such as the medicaid expansion) that are very liberal.
It is fair to say, however, that Obamacare is the only sort of plan that could achieve goals of reducing healthcare costs, while increasing quality and coverage using the existing system of private employer driven insurance.
It’s a plan a reasonable center right party could have accepted and called their own, but the Republican party would not do that, because they fundamentally disagree with the idea of providing healthcare to all.
Wish in one hand
Wash in the other…
Tax credit. So, the more money one makes, the more tax credit one gets? I know a lot of southern red-necks who are going to be pissed.
I was late with a project for work. I think about three months because the person necessary to sign off one area was on maternity leave. So, I had to wait. It wasn’t pressing. Lives and livelihoods weren’t at stake but you can guarantee I had my specifics in place.
Six years, no real money details or legislative impact . 37 pages over six years? Lazy losers.
these are just standard issue RW talking points: tax credits for the middle and upper middle classes who pay taxes, wishful thinking for the poor, deregulation (and more wishful thinking); and pave the way for the end of Medicare and Medicaid (been working on this for 80 years). Removing the mandates will drive the insurance industry into the ground—quickly–upending (as the GOP liked to say during the ACA debates) 1/6 of the economy. Oh, looks like fun…
Thirty-seven pages. Double spaced with a large font one assumes. Any circles and arrows? You must have circles and arrows. TPM cover sheet counts as a page.
Sorry pseudo-conservatives, you just can’t be taken seriously.
Working class Americans without employer sponsored healthcare don’t pay federal income taxes and therefore don’t need tax credits. They need affordable health insurance.
The writer has been overly fair to the republican plan. What’s critical is that the American public know precisely what is at stake, i.e. whether the pinched, cruel philosophy of Ryan cum Ayn Rand is to replace the benevolent, caring vision of FDR, LBJ, and Obama.
Same old crap, only they’re not even promising to hold hearings or try to vote on it.
And brilliant: they’d give you a tax credit big enough to help you buy a plan from almost 10 years ago, because, y’know, insurance premiums never rise.
This is beyond awful. This piece states that insurers cant raise your rates for a pre-existing condition, but fails to mention they can just refuse or “drop” you instead.
Lifetime benefit limits back
Out of pocket limits (at just under 7,000.00) gone.
A race to the bottom state with least amount of regulation
Gone are Federal Minimum Standards of care…so no mammogram for you!
This is just as bad as nothing.
Will your tax credits help if after deductions you already dont have a tax liability?
Paul Ryan is a snake oil salesman, but after this…he is evil
so to sum it up…as Alan Grayson once said…Ryan’s plan is
If you get sick