Discussion: 5 Most Bizarre Moments Of Trump's Off-The-Rails Speech (Even By His Standards)

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And this one doesn’t even address his repeated references to finding out the “oranges” of the Mueller report. We gotta look at “the oranges.” At least four times, in the clips I saw.




Lawrence O’Donnell brought a psychiatrist and two other people on his show to talk about how the president of the United States is a crazy person, or a person with cognitive issues, or whatever the hell is going on with him. (He can be both.) He distinctly said “oranges” a couple of times, then managed to say “origins” once, and then went back to “oranges.” That’s just not normal.


It’s normal for his crowd.


“We’re going to come up with a health care plan. We’re not going to vote on it until after the election, we’ll all promise it’s going to be our first vote,” he said. “Because we blew it. Man, I was fed a bill of goods, I want to tell you. Some of you I’m still a little angry, but not all of you.”

Blame shifting “we” blew it (it can never be “he”, alone) plus a little truth telling slips in, perhaps? We all knew the replace was bogus, the reps and senators all knew this, but am guessing his gullible base - a big chunk of it perhaps - believed it.

But who Donnie sold it to you? Fox News? 6 years of republican rhetoric? And why, once president with access to the most sophisticated of information - did you do NO studying to learn about heath care policies (and complexities) so that YOU could have figured out it was bogus… or in one of you favorite words: a hoax.


Agent Orange at his disgusting best.


What are the oranges of his odd skin color?


To Republican reps:

Some of you I’m still a little angry, but not all of you.

Reps, fearing the Orange Man will rage at them again:

It wasn’t me, it was him!


Granted he’s not a sought-after speaker for the Mensa-chapter circuit but seriously that’s not good in a 72-year-old. We all blank on words or spellings now and then but when your brain is misfiring badly enough that you think of an abstract noun and say the name of a tropical fruit with the same initial sound, that’s bad. Ever since he started running you could see Trump, as he spoke, substituting a less precise and often faintly inappropriate word for the more precise one he clearly couldn’t remember in the moment. Twenty, thirty years ago he was much more fluent of a speaker in that and other ways, like sentence structure, which seems completely gone now. This is several notches worse than that.


I am not a psychiatrist or even an MD, but anyone familiar with someone who has dementia recognizes the speech problems - inability to find the right word, incomplete sentences, changing the subject in the middle of a sentence, plugging memory holes with made-up shit - that are an early symptom.


He said his father was born in Germany.

He was born in New York.



Since the Republicans are trying to create a Banana Republic, why wouldn’t Trump be acting bananas? It’s hard when you have the mentality of a toddler and you can’t always get your way?


“Someone’s gonna leak this whole damn speech to the media,” he bemoaned…into the C-SPAN cameras.


My father is geriatric and I see it in him. More the normal age-related stuff, he’s 95, but similar problems with language. Just not as bad.

And if there was any one thing that is and always was important to him, it’s media attention to himself. Not to be aware, to have forgotten that he’s being filmed for broadcast is notable IMHO.

  1. The former reality TV star seemed to have a basic misunderstanding of the logistics of his speech:

“Someone’s gonna leak this whole damn speech to the media,” he bemoaned…into the C-SPAN cameras.

Not quite; as stupid as Trump is, this comment was meant for his idiot followers. He could have gotten them to chant, “Stop the leak! Stop the leak!”


Off the rails? We need a beautiful one-minute long CGI of an out of control train barreling through the heartland on absolutely no train tracks.


He’s claimed that on more than one occasion - even going so far as to say that he was born in a small village in Germany.


I heard that the Germans kicked his grandfather out of Bavaria and told him to never return. And Fred used to tell his marks that he was Swedish rather than American… Trump doesn’t seem all that impressed with the United States.Why doesn’t he just leave that Dump he calls the White House and go destroy another casino in Macaw or Singapore?


Almost all of them wear Depends, so it’s something they can relate to personally?

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