Discussion: 5 Dead, Including Gunman, In Georgia Shooting

Discussion for article #233003

Repeat after me… American Freedumb is Exceptional!

Family values have never been protected better than with a 2nd Amendment solution? When they can’t control the women in their lives, they take out the whole family?

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I wish I could take every miserable little troll who ever posted here about how guns keep people safe and lock them in the morgue overnight with those kids’ bodies.


And of course it’s the same people that cut funding for mental health programs that could have possibly helped this guy find a better way through his pain. Instead they tell him to be a man and don’t cry, just walk it off.


We can rely on the N R A,
To protect the American way.

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Another sad little vignette of American culture, brought to you by Ronald Reagan and the NRA.

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If the kids and ex-wife only had guns, none of this would have happened!

Yeah, that is the ticket. The thing you have to understand about the gun nut argument, that more guns makes people safer, is that it is not meant to be taken seriously, it is just a pretext for gun companies to sell as many guns as possible. Cases like this, that illustrate the weakness of their argument, just dont matter to them.

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Another 6 dead thanks to the NRA and the “guns for everyone” campaign.