Discussion: 49 Dead As Ukraine Rebels Down Military Plane

Discussion for article #223924

Shouldn’t we be calling these people the putin planted russian occupiers of eastern Ukraine…???

The greenshirt no logo are not Ukrainian

How does this constitute an escalation of violence ? What is the conversion factor ? As I recall, there were reports of dozens of deaths of separatists recently at the hands of Ukrainian forces. Do their deaths not count ?

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there were reports of dozens of deaths of separatists recently at the hands of Ukrainian forces. Do their deaths not count ?

The “separatists” are paid mercenaries attacking a sovereign nation. Irrelevant to you? It’s a risky occupation, sure. Or they were Bundy-type seditionists who took up arms against their own country in the service of a foreign power. Had to expect a reaction.


Where Vlad has let the dogs out of the yard, he tacitly has approved further subversive violence by agenda driven ‘soldiers’ but as this evolves, he has less control of that leash.

Reactionary to an era Putin has made into a public shame PR meme, whether Russian or Ukrainian, many were not even born no doubt to have suffered the perceived scourge that old KGB trolls like Putin, are won’t to avenge and also feeds bait to those who do recall the ‘glory’ days of soviet governance.

Ukraine in the east is abetted by Putin’s secret police, and be sure there are anti west fevered tank jockeys who are imbued with the same payback sympathies.

They were cooling their heels wanting to thump like some pals did in Crimea.

Itchin’ for a fight, the thing(s) males with arms tend to absorb and employ over empathy, logic, and possible consequence.

Once one side is hurt, that loss propels the next retribution.

Putin only understands economic sanctions, despite his 30 Billion deal with China, and his revamping of cold ware northern bases to secure big footing the Arctic resources ‘gold’ rush, or his military modernization.

Check out segment two: http://www.hbo.com/vice#/vice/episodes/02/21-heroin-warfare-the-coldest-war/index.html

If Obama wants to do something really constructive he would make his people in Kiev negotiate in good faith with the Ukrainians in the east instead of encouraging Kiev’s George Bush like war on terrorism. Unfortunately Barack seems to be a prisoner of the neo-con cabal that has imprisoned American foreign policy since the end of WWII.

This entire thing is a clusterf*ck of the highest order. Two sociopathic governments playing games with people’s lives.

This is 100% your anti-Obama venom and 0% relevant.


Ukraine should throw everything they have at the rebels and their FSB backers.

I totally believe Putin. I’m sure these rebels are getting their rocket launchers and tanks on craigslist.

BTW, I love the fact that TPM attracts pro-Russian trolls whenever an item like this pops up. And here I thought the ruble wasn’t a convertible currency.

You should try reading a story about Ukraine on any supposedly liberal site that uses Disqus. An astonishingly toxic mix of “it’s cool to hate America and our media is controlled so I get my news from RT.com” hipsters, “I hate America so anyone opposing them is in the right” Europeans and very obvious Russian government astroturfing trolls show up on every post. Every time I make the mistake of responding to some particularly egregious bit of tendentious nonsense, I end up feeling slightly ill, just like I’ve spend ten or twenty minutes watching Fox News.