Discussion: 32 Members Of Congress File Bill Urging Trump To Fire White Supremacists In WH

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I can’t find the list of co-sponsors yet. I would bet that not a single Republican signed as a co-sponsor. Not even those who condemned violence in Charlottesville. I would love to be wrong though.


Keep up the pressure. Because of protesters out front, 45 had to enter the High Tower last night via a service entrance in the alley. He should be particularly un-nerved about now.


People often question - why would Trump voters vote for him? What do they get out of it? What tangible benefit do they realize from the Trump presidency? That’s an easy one. What happened in Charlottesville gives you your answer. For a very large chunk of Trump voters, he has made them feel it is ok for them to be openly racist. To carry torches in support of white supremacy, to use racial epithets. We shouldn’t underestimate the thrill his band of idiot racists feel at believing they have been given permission to do this again, that it is ok to express your racial hatred. That is a tangible benefit they feel every day. And so the racist core of his base sticks with him through everything. Even if the economy tanks, they are living in squalor, the coal jobs don’t come back (they’re not going to come back), well, they get to let their racist flags fly, so life is good.


Way too much for donnie to read at once.

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I have to believe that it is not 60 million racists (especially remembering that voting age population is less than 240 million). I would still bet that most/more than half of his voters are simply gullible.

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Wouldn’t he have to fire himself? and then every other member of the republican party?

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Maybe, but that would still leave about 30 million, a rather sizable chunk of his voters.

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Facsists and Nazis are here. They hid behind a bible and tied themselves in a bow with the American flag, and sold it to our country’s citizens as entertainment.


Trump: Putin says NO.

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Of course few would admit being racists. They just have a personal preference of not having any black people around them.

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My first guess was most, not simply “more than half”. But after we subtract gullibles, the remaining despicables come in several flavors, most notably misogynists, racists, and religious extremists. They are all despicable and these groups strongly overlap but they are different groups.


Not all Republicans are KKK members, white supremacists, or neo-Nazis, but I’ll wager that all KKK members, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis are Republicans.


This is a list of all the co-sponsors of the resolution taken from Pramila Jayapal’s website. All are Democrats.

Frank Pallone (NJ-06)
Alcee Hastings (FL-20)
Jerrold Nadler (NY-10)
Nydia Velazquez (NY-07)
Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18)
Earl Blumenauer (OR-03)
Adam Smith (WA-09)
Barbara Lee (CA-13)
Grace Napolitano (CA-32)
Raul Grijalva (AZ-03)
Steve Cohen (TN-09)
Hank Johnson (GA-04)
Andre Carson (IN-07)
Chellie Pingree (ME-01)
Judy Chu (CA-27)
Bill Foster (IL-11)
Donald Payne Jr. (NJ-10)
Carol Shea-Porter (NH-11)
John Delaney (MD-06)
Jared Huffman (CA-02)
Mark Pocan (WI-02)
Juan Vargas (CA-51)
Don Beyer (VA-08)
Brendan Boyle (PA-13)
Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11)
Debbie Dingell (MI-12)
Seth Moulton (MA-06)
Dwight Evans (PA-02)
Ro Khanna (CA-17)
Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL-08)
Al Lawson (FL-05)


My statement was stronger than “few would admit”. I do believe that significant numbers of Trump voters truly believed in “bringing jobs back”, “making America great again” (without wishing for racism and misogyny of that glorious past), who truly believed that Clinton was devil reincarnated guilty of selling out the country in multiple ways. And all of that was simply due to gullibility and stupidity, without open or even hidden racism (aside from the inherent tribalism most of us possess unwittingly and unknowingly to some degree). I really think most of them were just gullibles.
P.S. As I am writing this post, I am thinking back to my interactions with some Trump supporters during and after the election and I am less confident: I am recalling both the evidence of extreme gullibility and the signs of hidden racism. But I am still willing to stick with the point above.


Might want to add “willful ignorance” in there.


I don’t see party affiliations and I do not know all the names. Clearly majority are Democrats – but is there a single Republican?

Someone is feeling generous toward the Libertarians today.

I agree. In the personal interactions I was recalling the willful ignorance was less explicitly about racism and more about ignoring anything contradicting those people’s pre-existing viewpoint but overall willful ignorance (including willful ignorance of racism and misogyny) does play an important role.


I’ve gone through every name, they are all Democrats. I’ve updated the post to reflect that.

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