Discussion for article #234542
Wait, I thought Curves was something decidedly NOT a strip club. They may have been misinformed.
They must have been distracted thinking about some of the possibilities in life, especially after witnessing a sampling of the finer things. This is tragic and I hope they rest in peace and the others recover and are able to live a full healthy life.
Thanks, Obama
“It appears they may have been coming from some kind of party,” she said. “At this point there is no indication of alcohol in the car. …There was no smell of alcohol.”
They were going the wrong effing way on a highway. They were criminally negligent. If there was some chemical impairment, that just adds another crime.
You are thinking of the ladies fitness centers. Google gives a Staten Island NY address for a “curves gentlemen’s club” when searching. More than likely the “gentle men’s club” was around for longer than the fitness center, and still allowed to use the name. That or the lawyers are still earning their money suing.
The likelihood that they were drunk is inversely proportional to the likelihood that they received any law-enforcement inquires into their sobriety.
Well, the cops gave the truck driver a breathalyzer test. What more are they supposed to do?
Somewhere a while back I was reading that there are ways and ways of administering breathalyzer tests… to make the results come out as desired. Cops protect cops. Not that I’m a cynic or anything. No, I’m not drawing any conclusions at this point… way too little information.
Doesn’t everybody know that when a cop is driving the wrong way down the road, you always give a breathalyser to the driver going the correct way down the road and just sniff the cops car.
As soon as the police officers recover, they can resume busting down doors in pot busts.
Luckily they just hit a tractor trailer and did not seriously hurt or kill anyone else. Assholes, and obviously drunk…but I’m sure a stripper gave them a phone number and told them she really liked them more than the other patrons…
Standard procedure. The driver of the car is critical, so he will get the blood test. Highly likely he was intoxicated, plus the people at Curves will have video that would show them at the bar, etc.
You always check both drivers, standard procedure. Since the cop was critical, he will get a blood test. I’m guessing he was shitfaced. If he is incapacitated, they will get a warrant for the blood test since he can’t consent.
Sincere condolences to the families and fellow officers. Please do not tarnish their memories and reputations with ridiculous explanations.
I am very sad for all involved. However, if it were a mere civilian who caused the accident… hitting a cop car, there would be a hue and cry like nobody’s business. The cops are being given a measure of deference that you or I would not get. Very sad for the families .
Why are American flags flown at half mast when a cop dies? I don’t get the symbolism. Even if the cop died in the line of fire, I don’t understand what that has to do with America as a nation. And I certainly don’t get the symbolism when he dies because he’s a passenger in a car driving against traffic.
I don’t need the smell of alcohol to tell me there’s a fire when I am smelling smoke.
They have a flag in front of their city hall, and the mourned the loss of life. Their prerogative, it’s not mandatory. Small town, so the guys were probably in town hall a lot. Chris Christie caught hell for having state flags at half mast for Whitney Houston. But that was his prerogative as well. Many felt because she OD’d it was not warranted. I think otherwise, but you get the picture.
I’m not ready to condemn the passengers at this point, only the driver. A passenger could have been asleep, or he could have been saying “you’re going the wrong way asshole”. Right now the driver is the guilty one. We’ll see what else comes up. The black box should yield a lot of info.
Of course. But don’t forget that the Prime Directive is to protect other cops.