Discussion: 3 Dead, Dozens Injured, Amid Violent White Nationalist Rally

Third observation, the symbols on the three shield in the middle are those rolling pins with a cutting implement? Are these guys some kind of baker’s union?


There’s also this gem from February:

President Trump has reportedly overturned a personnel decision made by his national security adviser at the behest of Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner. National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster had informed Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the National Security Council’s senior director for intelligence programs, that he’d be moving to another position on Friday, Politico reported. McMaster reportedly made the decision after receiving complaints from several career officials about the 30-year-old intelligence operative. But Cohen-Watnick went to Bannon and Kushner—with whom he’d apparently formed an alliance while working on the president’s transition team—and fought the move, two sources close to the matter told Politico.

Depending, if he gets Federal prison he might be able to avoid bitchhood.
Particularly if he can cut down the field of “suitors” by invoking his “Invisible Army”.
State prison, he can start practicing his sashay,.

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How can he even square this? That is really a question to myself. I cannot imagine how to rationalize a situation like this and sleep well at night.


Text from daughter saying someone is thinking on Sesame Street this morning. Danny was dancing to:

Correction it’s the featured video on their website.


I’d prefer he end up in one of the un-airconditioned state hellholes.


They do look like they are lining up for their free continental breakfast before heading out.

It’s actually a Fasces, from which the word fascist is derived.

[quote="justruss, post:92, topic:60491, full:true"]
They do look like they are lining up for their free continental breakfast before heading out.

Just another mob at the waffle bar.

No, it’s as human as DNA

The founding fathers were predominantly sexist racist white supremists like the rest of the men in western society at that point in history. They founded a country based on the ideals of freedom that also made slavery and the oppression of woman legal.

Your going to pay for that level of hypocrisy, but it’s not about America. It’s about human beings. We are evolving, just not fast enough. We need fewer wars and fewer violent men who need to fight in them. We need more intelligence, more cooperation, less aggression, less stupidly. We are moving in that direction but at a snails pace compared to what we need in this globally connected IT village we suddenly find ourselves in.

We’ll see.

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Trumpanzees on the Sunday shows trying to defend PO(tu)S. Press not having it.


That’s why they still live with shame. They KNEW…but didn’t WANT to know. They just kept their heads down and didn’t ask too many questions. It helps that Hitler told them what they wanted to hear, very similar to what happened in the 2016 election. In other words, people got conned by a ConMan.


Jared: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kapo_(concentration_camp)


Which we have hanging on the walls in the House of Representatives, interestingly enough.


Because she wasn’t fucking elected?


And her father obviously found that difficult to say himself.

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Sadly, no one who voted for that piece of filth had a fully functioning brain. They all had at least a big dead zone of synapse-free denial in there or it would not have happened.


Then take the pieces, melt them down, and cast a statue of MLK.

It’s time for America to stop tolerating, coddling these fascists and Nazis.
Also, I don’t get the ‘neo-’ prefix that so many use when describing these people.
They just look like plain old fascists and Nazis to me. Nothing ‘new’ about it.



Flagged and reported. Don’t over-do flags.

Kudos! That one lasted 3 minutes from joining to banning!


“On Saturday, President Trump failed his country.” ~Dallas Morning News @dallasnews

Trump is toast.


I really appreciate your quick research, but I’m just gonna stick with Rolling Pins. From a distance, that’s really what they look like. The other poster beat me to it!