Discussion: 2020 Candidates Engage In Intense Debate Prep As Big Night Looms

For those like former Vice President Joe Biden or Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), much of the deliberation is about whether or not to stay above the fray.

What does that even mean: “stay above the fray”?

Such appeals to civility in these tumultuous times are a bit absurd. It’s going to get nasty, and it needs to.

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Trolls in the Hive threads, friends. Don’t feed them.


Biden is checking his Rolodex (an actual Rolodex) for more segregationists to name drop.

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His knack for non-apologies is truly world class.


But w/r/t debates…There is the finest group of candidates I have seen in a while…and something else:

A chance for the eventual Nominee to take a little that is useful from most every contender…

When we get rid of Trump, THAT will be a “legacy” of his “presidency”.


Bet that Elizabeth Warren is not doing too much “debate prep” except for continuing to hone her message of a “velvet revolution” by reining in the corrupting that floods of Big Money are destroying our society. Although she’s had some good press in the past month or so, most people still haven’t heard her or really know who she is. In the debate she has a chance to introduce herself to more of the electorate. Too bad that she doesn’t get the opportunity to contrast her candidacy with Sanders or Biden this time, but that will come soon enough.


For those who deny the onus of sexism, Warren is Exhibit A.


Krugman pointed out an article that looks at FDR and his recession caused by trying to balance the budget too soon.


Not particularly worried about Warren tacking to the center, after all she has the lessons of history and has often proven herself an apt and comprehending student with a willingness to follow the facts.


This is such a non-story.

Any candidate who is not doing tons of debate prep should drop out this morning.

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