Discussion: 200 Immigration Agents Descend On Ohio Landscaper To Arrest 114 Workers

And I’m sure that within 1/2 mile you can buy or sell cheap street drugs without fear of arrest.
Besides the inhumanity…a total waste of government resources…ie, taxpayer money


Is Mr. Corso politically active? Is he a Republican donor? Or, perhaps a Democratic donor?

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I’m sure they’re at least 115 Ohio whitey’s who want to take those high-paying, high prestige, barely break a sweat landscaping jobs.

If only they could pass the drug test…


2 major operations, no employERS charged. Hmmmm, if the employers wouldn’t hire them. I’m sorry, but I’m gonna bet any fake documents would not stand up to standard scrutiny were the employers interested in scrutinizing them.

Pay decent wages and you don’t have to depend on illegal labor. It’s illegal on both sides of the paycheck!


Here’s the televised Dateline or 20/20 sting operation I’d like to see: get competitive bids from them and their 3 nearest competitors, on a major landscaping contract. Then have ICE raid those other business, find out how many workers each has hired illegally, and see if there’s any sort of inverse relationship between illegal hiring practices and the prices they charge. I don’t think there would be any detectable discount from the worst violator.

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And now, back to the reign of terror.


What a wondrous display of force to arrest members of the notorious gardeners’ gang, known for wielding deadly instruments like weed blowers, mowers and spades! No more besmirching of Ohio lawns and flowers by alien hands.
No mention of any resistance, because I doubt there was any. No explanation given for the absurd number of law enforcement members. No employers charged. Perhaps ICE plans to wait until the employer rounds up another group of undocumented aliens to make for easy pickings. O wait. I forgot that there will be good old American citizens lined up to take these low-paid, sweat-making jobs.
It’s another example of the Trump regime’s humane approach to people who don’t look like them - matched with a policy that ignores the cost to the community of removing these workers. Another lose/lose action to make American grieve again.


Yes, but those would be poor, deluded, white victims of their economic & racial anxiety.


This should send a chill through about 90% of the contractors in AZ. Over the last decade, I have had pool work, cement work, roof work, tree trimming, plumbing - etc., etc. You get the picture. All of them had a majority staff of Hispanics, many of whom I suspect were undocumented. And they all did excellent work. This is the Arizona economy.

EDIT: Since no one got shot and killed for looking threatening, I guess it was a great success.

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I hope that this will end the endless chanting of “what about the employers?” that is heard from open-borders criminals illegals apologists.

I guess we can put you down as in the “pro-cheap slave labor from illegals” camp.

Nope. Put me in the open immigration, plus seasonal laborers at fair prices camp. I support DACA and reform in the non-Trumpian way, I.e., something that improves the system for immigrants, no matter where they are from.
And you?

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How about this…The Border Patrol is forcibly separating kids from their parents who come across the border without papers…and those children…16 yr olds down to babies in diapers are put into cages like cats and dogs at the Humane Society …with a space blanket for comfort.

The White House stock response is “the democrats are responsible cuz bad laws.”

let me emphasize this:

***the Border Patrol is forcibly separating children from their parents and putting those children in cages…*** Yeah, it’s bad. Very very bad. And after 72 hours those kids are moved to a holding facility at a disused Walmart (shades of Jade Helm) Super store. Babies, forcibly separated from parents is now standing orders from on high. Stand up for the flag at a football game. Nothing to see at that Walmart, move along (a US Senator was denied entry)

This is a “zero tolerance” edict from trump and Sessions. Sessions is very happy about it.


Nah, I don’t support open-borders. I’m a Democrat, not a moron. I support good jobs for Americans, not jobs for slaves. Unlike you folks, I don’t support criminals, nor do I help them. You slave employers love you some cheap labor, and that’s what it’s all about for you cheap labor scumbags. There is a lot in common with today’s illegals hustlers and the plantation owners before the Civil War. Both wanted cheap slave labor. I think that slave labor, cheap labor that destroys opportunities for American workers is wrong, and is evil, but I guess for you it’s just find. I don’t support illegals. I call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE and turn in illegals.

Works for me. In 3-4 weeks, the word will get back, and the coyotes will find fewer suckers to pay the big money to come here.

Why do you love criminals?

Illegitimate POTUS probably has hundreds of undocumented immigrants slaving away at his over-priced hotels and golf resorts. He’ll figure out how to keep his cheap labor and lie his orange ass off about the whole disgusting arrangement. God, how I detest this POS POTUS.


May 25, 2018
Proposed CARE Act Takes Aim at Labor Shortage Caused by Ohio Addiction

April 30, 2018
How Bad Is the Labor Shortage? Cities Will Pay You to Move There
HAMILTON, Ohio—Jobs at the paper mills and safe manufacturers on this stretch of the Great Miami River mostly dried up by the early 2000s, leaving behind closed factories and an abandoned downtown.

Today, a spruced-up waterfront, loft apartments and help-wanted signs give the appearance of economic renewal. All that’s missing are workers—and that has prompted a novel experiment.

Relocate to Hamilton and the city promises $5,000 to help pay student loans.

June 2, 2018
Labor shortages, immigrant worker cap and weed are cutting into business, landscapers say
In many cases U.S. citizens are not as reliable as the H-2B workers, Kusar and others said.

Jacob Grimm said his 25-person firm received 146 job applications
last year. Of those, 120 people did not come in for an interview, he

Twenty-four applicants were considered employable, but half of those
declined to take a drug test, he said. Of four people who accepted job
offers, one remains this year, Grimm said.

“If somebody fails a drug test, 80 percent of the time it’s weed,”
Grimm said. “It’s astounding to me how many people use [marijuana] on a
daily basis.”

May 27, 2018
County, region face challenges developing workforce

May 7, 2018
Team NEO report says demand for entry-level candidates exceeds supply

Apr 11, 2018
Sen. Brown working to fill jobs left vacant due to Ohio’s drug crisis

And so on, and so on, and so on.

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Ding, dong, the epidemic of rapes and murders at landscaping firms is over!

What I don’t like, Nick, is an 18 month old put in a dog cage alone with a space blanket for 72 hours. I take it then that you haven’t been a parent. Or a grandparent like me. Seems you don’t give a damn about a refugee family fleeing violence in El Salvador, leaving everything behind to escape M-13 and come to America looking for safety (as in not getting shot). Only to have your child taken from you by agents of a president who happens to think M-13 are animals but yet could not care less about their victims.
Fine, You’re entitled to your opinion. I happen to think your opinion sucks. I don’t think a child should be put in a dog cage and treated like a criminal at the age of 3or 4 years old. or younger. There are 11,000 kids the government has forcibly removed from their parents and the government hasn’t bothered to find a place to even house them other than an abandoned Walmart. If you think that’s how it should be then …well … in the interest of civility I’ll keep my thoughts on you to myself. No I don’t want to coddle criminals but refugees at least deserve to be processed and their stories heard and their kids not taken from them. Not everyone coming here is a rapist or drug dealer or some sort of criminal in spite of what trump says or you think.

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