Another shooting inside a classroom. In Trump’s America we’ve made it quit clear we don’t care how many kids get killed.
Sounds like these are majority brown kids so don’t look for any faux concern from Tramp. Sadly, we should expect the opposite…
A 12 yr old is either a 6th grader who has already turned 12 this school year or a 7th grader who hasn’t yet turned 13. 15 year olds don’t belong in middle school at all, they belong in 9th or 10th grade. 8th graders who have been held back? I’m thinking this little girl had a reason for shooting these too-old schoolmates.
Children shooting each other might be a sign there are things wrong with our society.
How many children have to be sacrificed on the altar of the NRA?
I have to politely but strenuously disagree. There is never a reason for a 12-year-old to have access to a gun and use it to shoot anyone, especially other children from school.
If this school is indeed majority Latino, these kids are of a culture that has been made to feel like criminals, like animals not worthy of love let alone respect. When people are raised in an atmosphere where they are not valued, they don’t value themselves or others.
This is how gangs continue to find new recruits. Sad, sad story for everyone involved.
Agree. She shouldn’t have access to a gun and she shouldn’t be shooting anyone. I’ve spent some quality time in a middle school in a neighborhood much like hers and I’ve seen some pretty hard case 12 yr. olds. Even so, I’m betting that there is a reason she felt pushed to this extreme. Usually some running off at the mouth or some fighting will take care of the problem, but evidently not here. One way or the other, she is still a child, and it is all very sad.
Yeah I think so. How many school shootings so far this year? And it’s February 1.
This is the twelfth this year. I have to force myself to see it as something strange. SMH.
Yeah our society is deeply troubled. I don’t know if it was inherent or produced. I like to think it was produced but all of it can’t be - there has to have been something rotten already for the forces at work to grow it like they have.
The Good Guy With a Gun would have gotten there in time if In-and-Out Burger had better service at their drive-thru.
Was never a huge Abbie Hoffman fan but I thought he got off a good one when he said violence was as American as apple pie.
Unfortunately I’ve had to face that fact and come to terms with it because we really are a violent people.
Well Ari Melber is reporting that Manafort’s lawyers are withdrawing and I just read that Gates’ are too - wait it is up on the front page now.
What the fuck!
Perhaps the girl was being bullied ?