Republican infighting!
“Bishop apologized to his colleagues on the House floor Wednesday.” In Louisiana, that counts as a notable advance. I half expected that one of them would call the other for a duel on the levee at sundown.
Only the second comment and already you’ve beat me to the duel joke!
Grow the fuck u…oh, why bother. You guys elected a Senator in diapers. I’ll get a snack and a coloring book for you. Don’t fight over the crayons.
The crayons are the snack, right?
A quantum leap for the intellectual wing of the Republican party – going from name-calling to fist-swinging.
I thought this kind of thing happened only in Albania or Thailand or such.
Too bad we couldn’t have commented together and made it a dual duel joke.
WTF?? Seriously??
With the continuing pervasiveness of the uncivilized white culture of violence, it’s hard to believe they’ll ever be ready for self-government.
The ghost of Charles Sumner looks on with approval.