Discussion: 2 Killed In Southern California Blaze, CA Wildfire Death Toll Ticks Up To 11

And our Very Stable Genius once again insists that all this “fire stuff” is because California tree-huggers don’t allow unrestricted logging.

Apparently he’s never seen the actual, you know, vegetation in SoCal. “Too many trees” is not the problem down there.


Death Toll Ticks Up To 11

Ticks? Man, that’s too fucking hipster for this subject.

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Headline from the San Francisco Chronicle:
Camp Fire is most destructive wildfire in California history: 9 dead, 6,713 structures incinerated

By Friday evening, the fire had incinerated 6,453 homes and 260 commercial buildings in and around Paradise. The blaze was only about 5 percent contained and was threatening another 15,000 structures. Some 52,000 people remained evacuated from various towns. Authorities expect the death toll to increase in the coming days.



God that’s just terrible. I mean have no words adequate for it. I am so sorry.


“The Grim Reaper swipes right on 2 more people.” if we don’t draw in the millenials how will we survive?


About half an hour ago I heard on public radio station in So Cal that it is not known yet if the two deaths in So Cal were caused by the fire. Probably are.

A person representing lumber companies said Trump was wrong about poor forest management. The state, environmental groups and lumber companies have been working together to do responsible cutting of trees. And the federal government owns much of the forested land.


It was only last summer that one of the fires in No Cal was the worst fire, topping the one last year in Santa Barbara. Not good.


I had to cut my outdoor plans short and the advisory is to stay indoors. Fans of Westworld won’t be happy either. Its set was in Paradise, totally destroyed.

@brian512 What he had to say is so profoundly detached from reality. Poor forest management, and an order to “remedy now!” But with the threat of no Federal funds.


Who (or what) may be responsible for a good number of the fires is PG&E, our greedy and irresponsible utility company.


Not again. And they fight tooth and nail to not have to take responsibility.

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A reminder of the terrible outcome of the 2010 San Bruno fire, completely their fault and they were punished. Or rather WE were punished by increased rates.

On Tuesday, a federal jury found PG&E guilty of five felonies over its failure to properly inspect its gas lines and ensure their safety. The utility company was also convicted of a felony for obstructing the federal investigation of the disaster. Evidence presented in the trial showed that the company had intentionally and frequently pumped gas at pressure levels above legal limits in many older pipelines. Prosecutors likely didn’t have to do much to persuade jurors that PG&E didn’t just make mistakes but acted in dangerous and irresponsible fashion. Even if the utility was fined far less than prosecutors initially wanted, six felony convictions do a good job of conveying the gravity of PG&E’s wrongdoing.


I’ll bet a really good bottle of scotch that Very Stable Genius doesn’t even know that a lot of the actual forested terrain that’s burning is federal land.

Very smoky here in SCruz county today, too. We have our own little fires, so far (knock knock) nothing to compare with the awful situations further north and south. CalFire has been keeping watch on a mostly contained blaze north of the UCSC campus… our gummint at work.


Wonder how many executives got bonuses for keeping expenses under control before we all got to pay the price?


I read that when the winds picked up last night and blew this thing up, it was traveling at the rate of 80 football fields a minute. That floored me. I had no idea fires could move that fast. It’s a miracle there aren’t mass casualties

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There’s hardly a days that goes by that the better half doesn’t do a short vent on the evils of PG&E, and they only escalated when PG&E sideswiped our parked car in September, left its blue paint behind on the damaged front fender and smashed the reflector light on it. It sent us into two months of negotiations with our insurance company. Did I mention they didn’t stop?

Fortunately a neighbor saw it happen and got the license plate number. Yay, neighbor. But we still had to negotiate and the car’s now in the body shop getting repaired.

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We could take wagers on what he knows and we’d still come up short.

Yeah, asshole threatened to cut off California funding unless we “manage” the wildfire problem.

To which I suggest we cut off his federal funding unless he manages his “truth” problem.


This what global warming looks like. There’s no rain predicted for CA until sometime in Dec. and that’s not certain. Maybe early Jan.


This is a pic taken in Oakland, across the bay from me. There’s no difference between here and there, and I’m staying indoors. I give thanks to whoever’s listening that I have a home to stay in.

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