Discussion for article #232770
They were just following protocol .
Hmmm, “Jean Guirand” . . . Haitien (black) by any chance?
The father should be glad that he had a girl 11 years ago. A boy might have been shot to death during that encounter (totally legitimate, of course).
“both of the officers involved had prior disciplinary issues.”
New rule: once and you’re gone.
How about that?
WFTV reported that, according to their personnel files, both of the officers involved had prior disciplinary issues
In terms of liability for endangering the public, how is this different from letting a trained fighting/attack dog get out of your yard? Or leaving a chainsaw in your front yard where kids could pick it up and play with it?
If that father has a lick of sense he will not let that girl talk to the cops. They have one interest and it not in him or his daughter. If she must talk an attorney should be at her side.
Let me guess: Home owner was WHITE and his daughter is an (adopted) BLACK girl.
So, naturally, the WHITE police officers ASSUMED she was a CRIMINAL in the commission of a CRIME. Why, NO BLACK KID would EVER be in a White Man’s home now would she?
She is lucky they didn’t shoot her.
You can see a video of the girl here:
She is Black
Ahhh why is this no surprise. The girl is Black and the officers repeat offenders…each having been disciplined ( one demoted ) several times. One 3 times for filing false reports. 3 times and guess what? This incident report makes no mention of the gun or knocking the girl to the ground.
A wild guess to save them the time: “The officers followed all protocol and acted correctly given the circumstances.”
America has a serious police brutality problem. It is the single biggest problem facing America today.
I am tired of reading about cops pointing their guns at people when there is no threat of violence. This is a democracy. Why do we put up with an occupying militant force? It is more than just racism. It is more than just the saturation of our country with firearms. We have a police culture, raised to fight the “war on drugs,” that is out of control.
The sad thing is that, in these officers minds, they did nothing wrong. You always go in with your guns out, ready to kill, when you enter enemy territory.
Thank you !
That’s just an illusion!!!
I guess since that 12-year-old in Cleveland got shot dead 2 second after cops arrived on the scene this is considered progress.
The cops have morphed, hatched. They were law enforcing, public serving, people protecting police not that long ago. Now they are like Gremlins that get fed after midnight and have water tossed on them.
These mutants must be stopped, they can not be reckoned with. They are evil incarnate.
The father says the cops should be fired. According to modern police views the father is right. The two cops failed. They should have shot the 11 year old girl. Don’t believe me, ask Patrick Lynch. He will tell you the proper protocol for dealing with 11 year old girls in their own home is to shoot them right away.