The person who replaces Bannon would be just as bad. It’s not Bannon filling the slot that’s bad. It’s Trump filling the slot that’s bad.
Is there a printed list of the signers somewhere? I can’t read the friggin’ handwriting to see if my congress people are on board.
No one will hear them, if they do get heard, they’ll be laughed at.
Bannon flatters Trump. He knows how to handle him. Nothing else signifies. Anyone who does that can lead Trump around by the nose. He won’t go until he becomes more trouble than he’s worth or until Trump gets tired of listening to him, like he did with Manafort.
The letter also contrasts Trump’s early commitments, which he reiterated in his Election Night victory speech, to “bind the wounds of division” and “come together as one united people.”
Giuliani: “he was being sarcastic.”
trump likes listening to ivanka…and looking deep into her eyes…and wishing, only if…
We don’t need to heal. We need to have a full investigation into vote rigging by the Republicans. I’m actually serious. Ohio–the same state that gave us GWB’s second term–had more issues with their electronic machines. Someone stupidly (not by accident) turned off the anti-hacking program. Since almost every exit poll showed Hillary ahead in FL, OH, WI, PA, how in the hell did the machine tabulations swing upwards of 5% and 6% the other direction? Read this:
If President-Elect Pepe really cared about unity he would not have even entertained the idea of Bannon as his chief strategist and senior advisor. He doesn’t care about making any overtures at unifying - he just wants US to accept it and just follow him, no questions asked.
President Pepe doesn’t give a damn because he won. He gets to call the shots. He sees himself as CEO and to hell with anyone that disagrees.
PeP won’t fire Bannon. In fact, this letter will only strengthen his resolve.
Me? I don’t give a fuck. If PeP keeps Bannon, this will be a shadow over his presidency. If he fires him, it will be our first scalp and will piss off his white supremicist supporters
A win - win, as far as I’m concerned.
No, Trump actually thinks, "Been there, done that."
One of two things will happen:
HO will dig deeper and let the Dems know that he doesn’t give a rotten fig about who or what they want. This may make him stick closer and longer to Bannon than he might have. After all, everyone eventually outlives their usefulness so it’s just a matter of when.
HO will fire Bannon - probably on the advice of one of the kids, Ivanka most likely - and will crow loud and long about how he’s such a great uniter. HO will be further normalized by the MSM and DC insiders.
There might be a 3rd option which would fit the “Look at how unpredictable I am!” theme but, even on windowpane, I can’t imagine what goes on in that head of his.
Headline continues:
…thus cementing his position as chief advisor.
Truthfully, the Dems should not pick this fight. It’s okay to point out Bannon’s many flaws and hatefulness – but just let HO have whoever the hell he wants in his transition team. Just us keep a watchful eye, take damn good notes … and strike when the iron gets hot. We are in the minority–bigly–so we need to choose our fights carefully. IMHO, this is not one that’s worth it.
manafort was thrown out because the son in law who ALSO is responsible for christis purge wanted him out…
It sure does seem awfully convenient that HO won the states he visited in his last few days of campaigning. Not donning the tinfoil but how did everyone, plus now the exit polls, get these key states so very wrong?
The alleged vote flipping in TX may have been the canary in the coal mine, deflecting electronic rigging against HO. But who knows what actually happened? I can almost see Putin’s thumb on the scale while Comey turned away.
All these letters. Who is going to read them? Certainly not Drumpf. I doubt that he even can read. I realize these are protests that have to be made, but he will never hear of them. No one will read him stuff that doesn’t build his ego up even biglier.
I, for one, am wearing a tinfoil hat on this issue. I do not believe HO even won the electoral votes necessary – nowhere close.
He’ll either throw them in the trash or collect them as souvenirs to hawk on eBay or QVC.
“I’m a uniter not a divider." - GW Bush
And the competition begins.
This won’t succeed, but it is still worth doing. It’s about messaging, and about calling this what it is–an extremist takeover of our government.