Discussion: 13-Year-Old Florida Boy Killed As Teens Played With Gun

Discussion for article #226066

The only part of this story that makes sense is, 13 year boy was shot and killed. The rest is just to bizarre with way to many questions and no plausible answers as to why. Except stupidity.

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Leaders in the Ranking of States on TPM and Raw Story with the most Careless Firearm incidents

Texas - 12
Florida - 11
Pennsylvania - 10
South Carolina - 7
Indiana - 6

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America, fuck yeah!

Because American teens absolutely should be playing games with loaded firearms. Great job mom and dad! Heehaw!


[quote] “By the time we came outside, Darren, he hit the gate,” another witness told WSVN. “He fell and kind of like was taking his last breath.” [/quote] That must make a parent so proud - know your kid got his first kill. I wonder if there’s a Scout Badge for this?

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Florida has made a significant gain this month.

Nuthin’ more ‘merican than playin’ with guns.

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Everyone is just safer when there are guns around. It can’t be denied, right, NRA? In the last year I think I’ve seen two documented news reports of a civilian’s gun being used to protect and hundreds of incidents like these. This would make the cost/benefit ratio for gun ownership about 200.

You can’t laugh even sardonially at the damage these Gun Nuts support. I mean, it’s one thing for them to kill each OTHER but an entirely DIFFERENT thing when they start being responsible for our KIDS getting killed.

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One of the fastest ways to get those bullets out of a gun is to just keep pulling the trigger. Oh! And be sure to aim the gun at someone while you’re waiting for the bullets to come out.

“Booker “loved to play football and crack jokes and hang with his friends.””

So he died happily then?


A complimentary one-year paid NRA membership with choice of magazine.

I’m guessing the Booker family doesn’t give two shits about the 2nd Amendment tonight, despite Not Joe the Not Plumber’s assertion that the Bookers’ dead child doesn’t trump his 2nd Amendment rights.

Another good day in NRA land. A trigger got squeezed, a life was ended, the weapon worked EXACTLY THE WAY IT’S SUPPOSED TO.

Lesson number one: never point a gun at anyone, every gun is loaded.

This is just what guns do. Like a hammer bangs a nail, a gun kills.

And the worst thing is, it’s the unloaded guns that seem to do the most damage.