Discussion for article #244757
Too bad the lead exposure problem in Flint, Michigan isn’t getting this type of immediate response, treatment, and resolution…
Well, those folks in Flint are mostly poor brown people so it doesn’t really matter.
Rick Snyder strikes again!
… if only that were the explanation for the past 40 years…
Great…like we needed them even more brain damaged…
Intended consequence…
More future Republican voters.
You know we wouldn’t be bitching about lead paint if the government hadn’t band it’s use. Freedom crushing regulations!
Gub’mint interference gettin’ in the way of House GOP rmembers’ and staff receiving their God-given right for brain-fixin’ treatments. Damn that job-killing EPA!
July 2015 Flint MI
Wonder why the response in DC was so much faster than in Flint? /S
“OSHA. ISIS. Same thing.” - All the Republican candidates for President.
All Republicans I assume?
Huh. Only workers. I thought for sure this would finally explain Gomert.
Anybody wanna lay money that this gets fixed faster than the water in Flint?
Note that it was only workers that exhibited signs…all the Congress critters were acting exactly the same.
Which says volumes, actually.
That is because to the FOX News crowd (and most Blue-collar Americans, unfortunately) it’s just a bunch of “lazy Ni(CLANG!)” getting “what they deserve”.
They don’t realize that Flint, MI is a “Republican Laboratory” of Republican Ideas. It is what is in store the ENTIRE COUNTRY if any one of the Republican Candidates is elected to the Presidency, and they keep control of both houses of Congress.
We will become a Third World Country (with Nuclear Weapons) in short order, ruled by Oligarchs and Corrupt Theocracy.
A good example of what we will become: Russia.
We have met the enemy, and he is US!
What about the Senate staffers?
Considering that a great deal of power rests in the hands of staffers, supporting first or second term Congress critters, a bit of lead poisoning might be a logical cause.
Low bidder instead of Lowest Qualified Bidder perhaps?
Tweets only say potential lead paint. If that was lead paint, they would not be sanding it, they would need to abate it…unless someone screwed up big time. Regular paint chips can still make one sick obviously.
Nevertheless, proper ventilation when sanding any paint, etc., on a job site is paramount. Not only do you need exhaust, but you need supply air coming from another area to prompt better exhaust. Plus you need to ensure that you are not exhausting into an area where the wind will carry the dust right back to an air intake.
Not confirmed it was lead. If it was, someone is in big trouble because you abate lead, you don’t sand it. It can remain in a building if not touched. But if you disturb it by sanding, etc., that is not cool. You need to set up an abatement area.
That bottled water must have been from Flint.