Diplomat Points Out Ukraine Is Still Under Pressure From Trump Even Now

I think Putin knows that with Trump, and now the GOP, Ukraine doesnt have that support

He is just a loud megaphone.
Talking loud is all he has.

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Aces and Eights?

I think you mean this hand:

And they are just about ready to slam it on the table and yell “YAHTZEE!!!”

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The coveted toilet flush

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Trump still hasn’t fully given them what they wanted.

What’s in it for me?

I mean, for America. At least the Russians pay cash, you know, and host the finest Trump Tower to-be in all of Europe… and Asia, don’t forget about Asia there, many people don’t… so, maybe Ukraine should talk to my boss. See if they can get a better deal…

I doubt it. Pay me now or pay me later. Isn’t that what they say? Maybe they’re on to something.

“He needs President Putin to understand that America supports Zelensky at the highest levels,” Holmes said. “So this doesn’t end with the lifting of the security assistance hold.”

It’s certainly breathtaking that we have a president that is not only hostile to the national security interests of our allies but also of our own. I’m not sure people really get how dangerous this is.


Except… that’s not what the constitution says. If impeached: trial in senate. If convicted: removed from office. That’s it.

You want imprison? The Pence DOJ would have to indict with actual criminal - as defined by the US Code - charges and then convict by a jury. Congress could get that started with a referral. But just started.

You present a simple scenario which does not exist. And don’t forget the part where the first act by President* Pence is to give a complete and total pardon to the no longer president Donald Trump. For which there is a real precedent.

Impeachment is a political process. It can lead to a justice under the law process. But that would be separate. By the DOJ.

And we have Teavangelical Pence. Trading the devil we know for another - arguably ideologically worse - devil. It ain’t all rosy the day of conviction. At all.

Just a little reality.

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Not that easy. Zelensky still has to try to placate Trump.


Judgement in Cases of Impreachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgement and Punishment, according to Law.



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