Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas made the rounds on Sunday morning talk shows to address the influx of migrants attempting to cross the border, which he blamed largely on the Trump administration’s inhumane immigration policies that Republican lawmakers have conveniently ignored, yet touted.
Undoing the damage caused by T rumpp’s policies, and calling out T rumpp and his toadies for inhumane treatment of migrants trying to enter this country is certainly a “crisis” for the GOP. Once again, playing the victim.
Somewhat OT, but I’ve noticed that other news sites are reporting that Satan’s Avatar - having been banned from Twitter and other social media - has decided to start his own social media network. I suspect it will be every bit as successful as his other business ventures. The only question concerning this that I care about right now is what it will be named…perhaps something appropriate like “Crapper”.
Instead of reporting statements such as “Did you see Trump’s steam of tweets today?”, perhaps we’ll read something like “Did you see all the craps that Trump pushed today?”
This very well may succeed only because the entire DC press corps will report endlessly on every stupid thing he says. He could be the only user on the entire platform, but it won’t matter. The press is still hooked on his stupid utterances. All he has to do is call Jim Acosta an asshole and CNN will cover it nonstop for two weeks.
His other business didn’t come with billions in free publicity.
We can’t forget Rump’s destabilizing tactics in Central America; cancelling aid, changing America’s emphasis there to investment rather than development and drug trafficking strategy and enforcement.
All great for Intra-Lefty discussion but total failure points for general public. Trump is awful but he (and the broad election results of 2016 in Europe too) showed to a certain level fear of waives of immigrants and Lefty denialism and excuse making is not the path to success.
Biden does need to get a handle on this or 2022 is going to be nasty.
We can expect every bit as much success and follow-through as Trump Uni, Trump Steaks, etc.
(although on 2nd thought, I almost hope it does come to market as the likelihood of completely slapdash programming and shit security could make Parler ScrapeJob pale…)
He’ll make money off it.
It will suck.
The UI will be bad & have DJT’s mug on every page.
It will be hacked mercilessly.
Users will be tracked.
User data will be stolen.
He’ll still make money off it.