Desperate Hospitals May Put Two Patients on One Ventilator. That’s Risky. | Talking Points Memo

This post first appeared at ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox.

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In addition to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus tracking website, Weather Underground provides another means of visually tracking the Trump Pandemic spread in the US.

Interesting to see how the Red States are getting much more orange (<ironic) and red…

Glad that there are bigly more than enough PPE’s and ventilators to go around…


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ProPublica seems to be turning into a very untrustworthy source on this stuff.

Respiratory technicians have been rigging respirators to aspirate as many as eight patients at once. Shall we just let seven of them suffocate out of “an overabundance of caution”? Maybe tell them to wait until their personal unit arrives in, say, 18 months?

Wartime situations require wartime solutions.


This will make you smile as it is going viral…


One ‘manual’ of sorts–



Man it is something to see the right wing propaganda machine and its teat-suckling adherents explode with rage as they are confronted with the unassailable result of a “science thing”. They are truly coming unhinged.


“coming?”. I beg to differ.

Accelerating, perhaps?

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Just when you think they’ve hit rock bottom, they find a new low.


…Sicker patients, whose lungs resist more, take in less of the oxygen. Stronger patients take in more air, which can cause its own problems. The machine cannot adjust, and it is difficult for the critical care staff to do so either.

All because the Moron-In-Chief is more concern for his numbers/reelection and Wallstreet$$$.


US has just hit 80k of confirmed Covid-19 infections!
US (80,021) could potentially overtake Italy (80,598j by tomorrow…BAD!

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I am not a doctor (well, not that kind) but as I understand it, ventilator use damages the lungs full stop. It is a treatment of late (if not last) resort for a reason. It’s not good for you. Long-term use is especially not good for you.

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You’ve probably seen it, but we actually passed both Italy and China in total infections before 3:00pm West Coast time and are now #1 in infections. We’ll likely be #1 in deaths pretty soon, too… :cry:

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As bad as it is now, the numbers of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths in the next few weeks are going to be staggering, unlike anything since 1918. It might get to the point of putting the corpses in mass graves when morgue and other refrigerated space fills up. Thanks for voting for Trump, MAGA’s, you helped bring this on us.