Florida Governor and 2024 GOP candidate Ron DeSantis made headlines last week when his campaign posted a bizarre video that appeared to tout his aggressively anti-LGBTQ+ policy positions while attacking former President Donald Trump.
It seems as if DeSantis entire campaign to be president is that he is the biggest prick in America. It reminds me of when my father would compete with one of his younger bothers as to who could be more obnoxious. His younger brother, liked DeSantis tried harder. But like Trump being the biggest prick, somethings came natural to my father and his younger brother while trying harder could never be as obnoxious.
“Yeah look, I think identifying Donald Trump as really being a pioneer in injecting gender ideology into the mainstream, where he was having men compete against women in his beauty pageants, I think that’s totally fair game,” DeSantis said.
We’ve seen the infamous Chewbacca defense. DeSantis’ campaign wanted to show that Trump was all over the map, didn’t make sense. Basically a Chewbacca offense. They did it with images. Sharp!
There are hundreds of Trumps lies and inconsistencies that effect a huge segment of the population so why did the DeSantis campaign land on this, it’s almost as if his staff is undermining him.
when large number of basic - party line - Republican voters find you to be a nauseating obnoxious deliberate asshole … well you have really burned your bridges on the road to your future.
in an election between Ted Bundy & Ron DeSantis - Bundy would currently be polling stronger - because Bundy was at least attempting to look attractive & cultivated the idea that he had a degree of charm - even if he was a psychopath.
I’m nor sure where the line is drawn as far as “irretrievably damaged” - but it seem like DeSantis is stupidly rocketing toward it (if he has not already passed it) - with so much toxic inertia, that his shear momentum is already going to cause him to go sailing straight into the bonfire of stupidity fueled failure.
The explanation is that DeSantis is a deeply closeted gay.
And this:
'When asked about the video during an appearance on the OutKick show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless,” DeSantis said . . . [etc.]."
It seems to be these day that absolutely no Republican candidate for president (seeking national office, mind you) wants to be interviewed on a mainstream, nationally-known, media venue. It used to be considered a bit weird in 1968 when candidate Nixon was interviewed on the Mike Douglas show. Not dignified for a candidate, or something.
Now, Republicans only consent to being interviewed by raving-lunatic fascist propagandists on 5-watt AM radio, or wacko YouTube video creators who are trying to prove the solar system is geocentric.
So little awareness on the part of Meathead Ron. During his first gubernatorial campaign in 2018 he said a focus on LGBT issues was not important. It’s on the record, and that view was AFTER Trump’s comments that he suddenly finds so offensive. Duncecap Ron.