DeSantis Makes 2024 Ambitions Clear As He Pours Gasoline On His ‘Woke’ Education Fire

Strange brand of freedom you got there, telling the whole state what you’re forbidden to talk about.

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Guys? This is most decidedly not a horse race story and framing it as one, as the MSM outlets are doing, is innately harmful.


No shit. My opinion on that, as should be clear from the words I actually wrote, is “maybe, maybe not.”

You’re kidding right? At some point, these people ARE going to push us too far. It’s only a matter of time.

Then they should probably fight back, huh? No peace. Ne mercy. No quarter.

Where did I say “write it off”? I said they should get their democracy as hard and fast and deep and unlubed as possible so they can learn their fucking lesson.

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Hahaha…like I said…DeSantis is the next POTUS because the oligarchy and its Zombie Fourth Estate want him to be the next POTUS.

Did I mention…


Napoleon complex pretty much covers it.


Blast from the recent past…


The truth they really, really don’t want let out is how racism has been used to use and abuse poor white people, turning everyone against one another.

What a waste of essential fuel. De Santis would do better to pour the gasoline all over himself and strike a match. The whole world would benefit.

Given that Skanky-endorsed candidates lost to Ronna Romney for the RNC leader position, and the new 4-D chess moves Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis are making, it might be better for Skanky to declare a third party run right away since he will lose the Republican primary. A third party run will free him up to raise and steal money, pound Ron DeSantis on his failure during the pandemic, and to attack Nikki Haley regarding his-and-her extra-curricular activities in the White House that Michael Wolff wrote so eloquently about. It will also be good for the country.

Nah, Trump will run as a GOPer. If he wins, he’ll get the formidable GOP machine whitewashing him and straight ticket voters voting for him. If he loses, that’s when he’ll run as a third party candidate.

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Isn’t he precluded from a third party, sore loser run if he loses in the primary? I think that Ronna Romney will force Skanky to sign a sore-loser contract.

Many states have a sore loser law. Appear on the R primary ballot, you can’t switch parties for the general. Could still do a write-in, I guess.

Yeah, but write-in laws/rules are very picky.

Name must be 100% the same as on the filing. If he is ballot registered as Donald J. Trump, no other variation will count.

He loses.


Not sure a piece of paper would stop TFG.


He would most assuredly cry that it was rigged and unfair.

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Worked for lieberpunk, then decades later, murkowski. But I do not think TFG will mount a serious write-in campaign. He might threaten it, until he gets paid off in some way (ghost of pardons future?).


there was a time, not too long ago. that having degree from a Florida school meant absolutely nothing…the only reason kids went to FLORIDA schools, is because it was cheaper and less demanding…in some ways.,it still is.

this has happened before… at one time a degree from a florida school was just a piece of paper.

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