DeSantis Finds New Dystopian Activity To Keep His Election Police Busy

Originally published at: DeSantis Finds New Dystopian Activity To Keep His Election Police Busy

By now you’ve likely read details of the project of intimidation underway in Florida as voters in the state try to place a measure to protect abortion on November’s ballot. The Tampa Bay Times and other local news outlets have reported in recent days that police have been going to the homes of Florida residents…


Bootsy Collins and his personal star on the walk of fame.


There is nothing more terrifying than police showing up at your door. This is voter intimidation, and it is evil.


Time was, sending out cops to interfere in the exercises of the First Amendment right to petition would have resulted in a federal injunction and a Section 1983 action. You know, what with it being a fundamental right subject to the strict scrutiny standard and the requirement to show both a compelling governmental interest and that the least restrictive means possible are being used in pursuit of that interest.


“How do you like living in the free state of Florida?”

What an absolute menace.

Florida Announces 'Free State of Florida' Placed on All Welcome Signs.


The clear implication being the state can decide that is not the end of it any time DeSantis or one of his brown-shirts wish; nice weasel-wording there.


But will Florida elect these people again to these roles, despite this police action?

Stay tuned.


Texas and Florida are using the police to target political enemies. It’s as simple as that, and cannot be allowed to stand in this country. I hope the ACLU or a similar organization has the resources to find this form of fascism. Until the Supreme Court OKs it, of course. :grinning:


He’s a beauty!


It may depend in part on the demographic of the people who find these “investigators” at their door. If they are black or brown, or ex-felons who have cleared their way to fully restored citizen rights, or others who have good reason to fear unjustified police violence or the government’s nose in their business, they (and people like them aware of this operation) may be intimidated into not voting. It would be interesting to learn more about who, exactly has been approached by these thugs.


My guess, since the initiative is already on the ballot, is that after reproductive rights are voted in, DeSantis has a plan. After the vote is called he and his enforcers will start with the lawsuits claiming “concerns” and “irregularities.” This will be designed to hold things up while there are years of “investigations” and “doubts,” and legal maneuvering. Maybe they can work up some riots and incarcerate some folks for bad penmanship.


Yes, they will. This election should not even be close. Nobody in their right mind can support any of these goons, starting with Trump. Yet here we are.


So Dick Cheney endorses a democrat and the real Darth Vader dies…

Strange days indeed…


There is a process for challenging and for certification, and the petitions have already been through those processes if the question was certified to be on the ballot.

I can’t imagine the state has any standing to be scrutinizing these signatures for validity at this point. As @ncsteve pointed out, what they are doing here is bald intimidation and a violation of Constitutional rights. My guess is that there was some Supreme Court precedent regarding this kind of thing, so they are trying to thread the needle by showing up in plains clothes.

Or maybe the State just doesn’t give a shit, because even if publicity or the DOJ makes them stop, they’ve made their point. We know who you are.


From wide mouths come grotesque lies!!


Florida Announces ‘Free State of Florida’ Placed on All Welcome Signs

I assume the signs are made by inmates in Florida prisons.


Free only to do what we tell you to do.


Florida and Texas seem to be operating as if they have already seceded. This is secret police stuff and it is very scary. Can the people here at TPM who live in Florida tell me if the local news outlets and papers are making a huge stink out of this?
People are having their rights taken and they don’t even know it. JFC JFC JFC


I know nothing about the Florida Ballot, and its Propositions. Are there any other Citizen Initiatives Propositions on the ballot? Are DeSantis’s Stasi asking about those signatures? Or just #4?


Ah yes, the American Gestapo at its infancy.

Teachings of history are lost on our politicians.