Greetings from Martha’s Vineyard, where Morning Memo has relocated until Labor Day. The same essential news, just 10 degrees cooler. Sign up for the email version.
Folks, todays question is where has all the Republican money gone. State parties in financial disarray, most of Trump’s PAC money going to pay defense lawyers, Trump’s personal campaign funds low, DeSantis running out of money at an early stage. At this stage it looks like a lot of Republican donors have decided to cut losses and set out the 2024 election. Is there any truth to that deduction and what does it mean.
It’s always unpleasant when you have to go in and tell your wife that, ‘By the way, tomorrow sometime I’m going to be indicted,’ and she jumps up and screams, “Yes! About time!”
DeSantis response:
… but… they are the only ones that conform to & fully support my personal credo! They are the only ones who truly know & embrace me without reservation!
If Mr. Trump is smart (and he can resist not being the center of national TV for a few hours…) he will sit it out and let Gov. DeSantis and the 3 percenters tear each other to pieces. It would quickly devolve into a screaming clown show with everyone: with the possible exceptions of Govs. Christie and Hutchinson, taking extreme positions that would seriously harm them in the general election if they somehow miraculously won the nomination. It is also rather amazing, and almost sad, that Mike Pence, Mr. Trump’s loyal VP, is struggling even to qualify for the debate.
Another indictment? This is almost getting boring. I want some convictions!! Graham is now as big an embarrassment as Tuberville. How do these idiots keep getting elected? Ignorant voters.
Chump has to “Go In” and tell his wife things, occasionally, esp. big news like indictments.
He doesn’t follow any other human norms, I wonder that he at least pays some lip-service to that duty.
ON another note Dr. Ronny Jackson - serving it up Texas Style! Big, Bold, and Brassy!:
“A spokesperson for Jackson confirmed the incident took place during a concert at the White Deer Rodeo on Saturday night on the outskirts of Amarillo. They described a ‘very loud and chaotic environment’ in which Jackson was taken into custody — but never arrested — and quickly released once the situation was explained,” reported Matt Young. “The incident began after Jackson was ‘summoned by someone in the crowd to assist a 15-year-old girl who was having a medical emergency nearby,’ his office said.”
“The congressman’s office emphasized that Jackson was not drinking at the time of the incident.”
While we see how this all plays out, Lawfare has this article up with suggestions on some reading material to help us understand what is going on with the various Trump legal cases.
Maddow did a bit on several state GOP parties that are all but broke last night. So where did the money go? Could Trump bankrupt all the state GOP organizations?