They should take it all the way to SCOTUS so the high court can get rid of everything the administrative state expects of educational institutions, from Title IX to requirements for investigation of rape allegations. Like everyone has noted so far, we are racing back to the good old days where men could rape women who are “asking for it” and women need to prove someone jumped out of the bushes before it is considered rape.
I hope the DoJ doesn’t stop at Liberty U. We know Liberty U was run by someone with a very complicated and unChristian sex life, but that doesn’t explain why the school attacks sexual assault victims the way it does. It has more to do with trying to maintain an image as a squeaky-clean place where sexual activity isn’t tolerated. Yes, rape is sex, but in these people’s minds it is, and their version of Christianity is all about women and girls tempting men and boys into doing things they know aren’t right, but males are capable when it comes to running stuff, but incapable of not acting on their sexual urges, so women bear that responsibility for making sure men aren’t temped.
The schools are using their pre-marital sex bans to punish and silence the victims while ignoring that the perps were also involved. So these bans are really bans, they tools for abusing victims.
Somebody already has complained to at least two major Florida school districts and demanded that Bible(s) be removed from school libraries because there’s a good bit of age inappropriate material in them.
I went to a conservative Christian college - not Liberty, thank FSM for small blessings. In those days, males and females were prohibited from being together on Sunday afternoons. Students referred to this part of the week as the Holy Split. What was accomplished during those hours still escapes me. I think I mostly took naps. Alone. In my dorm room.