Dems Mount Legal Challenge Against Trump-Backed Georgia Election Board’s New Rules

This article discusses Georgia rules not Penn. rules. What are the Pennsylvania rules.

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I’m certain that they don’t ever intend to stop trying, true. But, as a purely practical matter their chances of actually succeeding may well have passed. Demographics change slowly, but, in the same way the tides change: inexorably. And it’s all but over, already.

Have you seen how many former Democratic staffers have come out in support of Trump this year? No? That’s because there are none. MAGA has driven Republicans towards Harris. If they’d embraced the center, the GOP could have pulled it off… but they jumped the shark. If we can avoid electing Trump this year, if we don’t hand the Senate and the House back to the GOP, the GOP is never, ever, going to get anywhere, ever again. This could well be the end of that story. Politics will go on, but the GOP is likely over.


I was commenting on demographics and geography. I don’t know about voting laws in PA.