Flanked by blown-up pictures of people whose health would be in dire straits without the Affordable Care Act, Democratic senators stayed on message at Monday’s hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.
If the Dems win the Senate, the legislative filibuster could be eliminated or the threshold reduced, then the ACA redux, strengthened and improved, could pass both houses and be impervious to the b.s. challenges that have made their way through the Trumpian courts. Is that correct?
Republicans, for their part, tried during the hearing to paint the Democratic opposition as anti-woman, anti-Constitution, and particularly, anti-Catholic. But Democrats stayed on message.
Republicans accuse Democrats of anti-Catholic bias while Democrats are on the verge of electing the second Catholic President in American history.
The only anti woman folks in that committee hearing were the white males who prefer that women be stripped of their reproductive rights aka right to privacy. The entire anti-Catholic schtick is one for the ages. Joe is a Roman Catholic.
Republicans, for their part, tried during the hearing to paint the Democratic opposition as anti-woman, anti-Constitution, and particularly, anti-Catholic.
This person is one of those fringe Catholics who think Francis is a ‘commie Pope’ and who think abortion is the only issue. These folks are nucking futs.
In general, even if both chambers and the president enact something, a court can still find it unconstitutional and strike it out – or delay its implementation.
Coney -Barret will join the so-called textualists or originalists on the Court. That Court conferred the right of free speech to corporations. I see nothing in the Constitution that mentions corporations or their interests wrt free speech/money. If it is not in the Constitution (reproductive rights are not), why are corporations deserving of something not spelled out in the document. I dunno call me crazy but it seems like some members of the S.C. are not really textualists at all.
Too bad he didn’t tell Cornyn to eff himself and put his mask back on when Cornyn angrily glared at him.
Cornyn is a two bit bagman thug, and man, I hope he loses. The Dems never should have let Graham get away with his histrionics re Kavanaugh,ya know. Kamala should have said, sotto voce, boo hoo hoo Lindsey, cry me a river for hurting your little feefee’s.
John McCain’s mother has died at the of age 108, it was announced Monday. John’s wife Cindy tweeted: 'It is with great sadness that I announce the death of my wonderful Mother In-law, Roberta McCain. ‘I couldn’t have asked for a better role model or a better friend. She joins her husband Jack, her son John and daughter Sandy.’
Yes, but Dems could write bill to avoid the issues that the Court has and will have raised in ruling it down. The Court could rule against that, too, but then you might really get into a scenario about UNPACKING (thank you, Josh Marshall) the court by expansion.
So what if someone shows up at the hearing as COVID Positive? Does everyone get quarantined? Someone with plausible deniability of course. Or they could pull the fire alarms!!!