Dems Announce Two Articles Of Impeachment: Abuse Of Power And Obstruction | Talking Points Memo


Seriously. Kid has a tasty buzz going, regardless of level of sleep deprivation. Might not be weed, but he’s got something going on.

I did not realize it could be free-based.


Can’t wait for that first national ad, with all those soundbites stitched together, then juxtaposed with “The same time the Russians hacked the DNC, they hacked the RNC too. But we haven’t heard anything about that … I wonder why the GOP changed their minds about Trump.”

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True story - at a family wedding in the 80s, an aunt and a college (60s) friend during the service, when the Catholic priest said, “God bless John Paul …” They audibly murmured “…George and Ringo.”


Biggest question in my mind - have US military personnel begun deploying to KSA, as POTUS said would be done?

Seems to me that had some unintended serious negative reactions back in the day.

And when every single one claims to have voted to acquit? I mean, do you really believe they won’t lie about it without hesitation?

Except in cases of impeachment.

Yeah, yeah - that doesn’t apply to this situation, yada yada.

Prove it - it’s never been ajudicated, akin to Congressional subpoenas in that regard.

So, fuck 'em.
Prove it. In District Court.
And Appellate Court.
And beyond!
And then, it’s “well, he’s not President anymore so it doesn’t count.”
And back to District Court, and beyond!

Sure is apparent that trump doesn’t care about awkward optics…
On the same day

Articles of Impeachment are released.

trump meets in the Oval Office with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov for the second time. Ladt time he blabbered about highly classified stuff cuz he’s president.

Ukrainian President Zelenski is still waiting for his first meeting. Would be nice since we are supposedly allies against Russia.

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Apparently speed is of the essence. Democrats want to get trump impeached and tried and removed. But… Clinton’s impeachment process took just two months. By the time the House votes in this current process we will have been at it for 3 months.
By choosing obstruction of Congress as one of the charges it puts the GOP senators on the spot. Will they be a trump slave at the expense of the power of their chamber? Congress critters are rather jealous of the powers the Constitution grants them. Will they fritter it away?

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And they did this how? Exactly, please…

There, fixed it!

Sadly, we probably can’t. I’m not saying they will be able to hide their actions, but they won’t care. They hold the power and their attitude will be ‘make me’.

THAT is the problem we will face if we win. If we lose we are truly fucked

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I won’t speak for the other lemmings, but I watched Schiff, and I watched Jerry. I supppose you are correct that if Jerry had more power he would use it. I am of a mind to give Speaker Pelosi the benefit of the doubt.
I could be wrong, but Nasty Nancy is the only Speaker we got, or were gonna get. You sound like you want more then Nancy felt was possible or even more then what was needed.
I was glad Nancy waited. Now their “impeached from day one” noise is jsut silly.

Pelosi knows that there was far more that was possible. But she did not want impeachment under any circumstances, and only came out for it when her back was against the wall. And now she is doing everything in her power to get impeachment off the table again – and doing enormous damage to the country and the constitution in the process.

The pelosi cultists will tell you that her first priority is, and should be, maintaining Democratic control of the House. I believe them – and look at her actions based on that priority. And its obvious that Pelosi sees that the only way to guarantee Democratic control of the House in 2020 is to make sure Donald Trump is the GOP nominee for President.

And once you understand that – all of her actions fall into place. Pelosi functions as Trump’s #1 enabler — because that is the way that she can guarantee that Dems retain control in the House. If Trump is convicted, or forced to resign, or doesn’t run in 2020, everything is up in the air – the GOP could conceivably win both the White House and the House itself, with the right presidential candidate.

And Pelosi’s supporters will tell you that is unacceptable to her – that her #1 priority to to prevent that from happening.

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Thanks for the reply. I am a prime member becuase of folks like you and Khyber supplying great analysis to guys like me. Very little analysis from the sight itself IMO.
You assert that Speaker Pelosi doesn’t want impeachment(and your election idea has alot of merit) but she seems to be truely terrible at avoiding impeachment. The Nasty Nancy I know deserves more faith then that.
She knows that a Dem House is all that is standing between us and a 2nd term for Trump. Threading that needle is more importnat then anyhtign else.

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not really. The Democratic base has always been strongly in favor of launching impeachment investigations – and she managed to keep the lid on impeachment for nine months — and if Ukraine hadn’t happened, we probably still wouldn’t have gotten an actual impeachment resolution (pursuant to the Mueller report) although Pelosi’s could not have sustained her refusal to say “impeachment”.

Pelosi is very, very good at controlling the democratic caucus – she’s a consummate backroom politician. and she’s also very, very good at keeping the mainstream punditry on her side by controlling their access to Dem politicians. But what she is not good at is navigating the new information environment, and the change in power dynamics that brings about. 30-40 years ago, when she was maturing as a political operative, control of the punditry, and control of the Dem caucus, meant you ran things… but that isn’t true anymore.

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Not sure how you’re coming to this conclusion. Are you saying that she can’t tweet like trump? Why is that important? (It’s not). Or are you saying that she’s making her decisions in a vacuum, without input or consulting with anyone else in the caucus? (She’s not). Or do you just not like Pelosi?

I get not liking her, I don’t either, but I think you’re conflating dislike with her supposed incompetence. THAT only shows your blindside of disliking her, not her incompetence.

Despite not liking her myself, what you see as egregious errors, I see as damn hard decisions made, and mostly made correctly.

Oh, and don’t kid yourself, control of your caucus and control of the punditry is still FAR more important than the ability to tweet.

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I’m saying that she has no understanding of messaging/narrative/framing works in this age. She doesn’t understand that how the truth is packaged is more important than the facts themselves – and how lies are responded to is more important than communicating the truth itself.

She certainly doesn’t understand that putting a bunch of septagenians in front of a wall of flags to drone on about articles of impeachment is not an effective communications strategy – it was probably the right thing when Nixon was impeached, but people would rather watch a cookware informercial than watch her and Nadler and Maloney, and Waters, and Engel and Schiff bloviate self-importantly.

I wouldn’t be so sure of that. After all, Donald Trump controls the entire GOP from his twitter account.

If Nancy Pelosi was able to control her caucus, that ridiculous mess of a “hearing” that happened last night would not have occurred. No wonder people have contempt for Congress – giving 41 people 5 minutes each to say whatever they feel like in the middle of an impeachment process? That’s the image that Nancy Pelosi wants the country to think of, when they think about a Democratically led House?

And that is what I’m talking about when I talk about messaging – nothing any of those people, Democrats or Republicans, had to say made a damned bit of difference. Their words wasn’t the message that was communicated last night – what was communicated was that Dems thought it was a good idea for 41 ridiculously self-important people to sit around and do nothing for over three and a half hours.

I think you don’t understand the function of drag when playing a fish.

I think you don’t understand what metaphors are apt in this instance.

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