Democrats Should Ignore Calls For A Skinnier For The People Act

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President Biden understands this.

A simple sentence that makes me feel sooooo good.


We need to face reality:

Republicants are against the people.

Republicants are against the voters.

Republicants are against democracy.

Republicants are evil!


[“President Biden understands this. Of all the major Democratic presidential hopefuls in 2020, he stood out as the one for whom voting rights and democracy reform may have been the least central to his campaign. But as he has watched the Republicans play an aggressive, anti-democracy hand, Biden appears fully alert to the danger. ‘We have a moral and Constitutional obligation to act,’ Biden said, as the Georgia measures advanced last week. The time for action is now. The news from Georgia should remind us that time is also growing short.”]

Thanks…I’ll see you a sentence and raise you a few more. :thinking:


Lesson from 2010: Go big or go home.

Other lesson from 2010: If you’re going to vote for something, don’t spend the rest of your term pretending you never heard of it.


Dems: “For the People”

Rep counteroffer: “How do you feel about ‘for some people’ as a compromise?”


What are Democrats going to do about it?

Sigh. The question is: what are Sens. Manchin and Sinema going to do about it? We know what the rest of the caucus wants to do. We know where pressure needs to be applied and making it sound as though there’s this unknown cabal of Democrats who refuse to do what’s right is why we end up with these idiotic intraparty squabbles. We know who the holdouts are, name them.


For much of my life, though I always mostly voted D, I was a registered Independent(I). I was also a senior gubernatorial appointee of two R and one D governor. That certainly played a role in my party registration decisions. But the racist crap directed at Obama really sickened me. I changed my registration to D. I’m also one of those people who woke up every night worried about the ignorant, reactionary, intentionally cruel, destructive actions of Trump. I may have hated Republicans, but I neither said it out loud nor privately to myself.

But Republican attacks on voting rights and elections are so frightening. Conservatives themselves call it a “civil war”; they wish our destruction, I’ve come to believe, even if, to be extreme, that means killing us. Much of the right’s unlimited anger is ginned up lies promulgated by Fox News and the Kochs, whose media and money created both Tea Party and Trump.

And so last week, for the first time in a long and engaged and too often enraged political life, I wrote: “I hate Republicans. They are f…ing scum.”

PS: I’m not wealthy, but I do donate as generously as I can to Democratic candidates and causes. They sure ain’t perfect, but its the difference now days between compassion and maliciousness.


If Republicans refuse to participate in crafting a compromise, Dems should pass the bill they want.

There aren’t enough olive branches in the world to get Rs to concede their efforts at suppression in the face of imminent defeat for a generation.


Damn, I despair (a little less now) for the state of the Republic.


Pete Buttigieg Dismantles Fox News Over Infrastructure Plan


We should feel relieved that the Democrats of today are not the Democrats of 2002. Negotiating oneself into a corner was their specialty.


The Democrats NEED to modify the filibuster NOW so that one needs to hold the floor by talking. Then these are the first bills presented under the new rules. Let them speak against voting rights. And watch who listens.


And there are those who questioned his appointment.

He is shining brightly on this.


And once again, @castor_troy is gonna be rolling in Soros dough, once again.


Since we will have to do reconciliation, let’s make sure it’s worth the effort.

This is a generational bill that will set the tone for the 21st century and determine where our children/grandchildren will stand in the pecking order of world powers henceforth. You don’t skimp on your grandchildren if you are a true American.

If the USA is to compete against Asian tech, the EU and rising South American nations rich with natural resources like Brazil, we need to do a “Marshall Plan for America.” Nothing short of that is acceptable. Truman and Eisenhower agreed on this.

Joe Manson must be made to realize that the GOP’s American Exceptionalism is at stake. (I still think he identifies more as a Republican). Biden is on a true mission from God for the sake of country…like no other that the USA has ever faced.

Go big or become a Banana Republic. Or we Men or have conservatives settled for becoming lab mice for China?


I can’t wait to hear Republicans speaking against democracy for 24 hours. They will all be speaking in a Russian accent by their time is up.


And determine how big a bribe is needed to have them stop acting as an anchor for this nation.


But that smarmy little fucker looked so sure he had a gotcha all set to go!

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GOOD NEWS…We will have more than one bite at the reconciliation apple this year:

“The Senate parliamentarian ruled on Monday that Democrats can use special budgetary rules to avoid a GOP filibuster on two more pieces of legislation, setting the stage for President Biden’s infrastructure agenda to pass in two packages with simple-majority votes,”