Senate Democrats physically couldn’t contain themselves Thursday when TPM asked about the Republican insistence that their bill to extend the debt ceiling — which also repeals huge swaths of the Inflation Reduction Act, adds onerous work requirements to benefit programs and slashes agency power — is a good faith effort to negotiate.
Please don’t forget that Team D (which may yet stand for Dunce) had the opportunity to abolish the debt limit late in 2022 and chose not to. No clean hands here.
Senate democrats should put together a counter proposal that is the mirror grab bag of stuff we’d like, like removing tax advantages for the rich to cover our bills.
You mean 2 democrats chose not to, and you’re all too happy to assign the blame to all other democrats as if they had some magic power to overcome that. Aren’t you missing out on 4chan thread by being here?
CBO estimates that defunding the IRS (one of the House GOP’s demands) would add $120 Billion to the deficit over the next decade
The GOP claim that existing revenues would cover both SSR and servicing the debt is nonsense because it’s not existing revenues but future revenues that would need to cover these things and failure to raise the debt ceiling would decimate future revenue
SSR specifically requires new Treasury issues to sustain itself
The debt limit is the Republican go-to extortion tool every single time they get any Congressional power. When they lose that power in 2024 – it needs to be a top priority to pull every procedural lever to take dangerous tools away from children.
I’ll say it again. Power is not constrained by laws or documents or courts. Its only constraint is will. Biden could announce today that he’s taking the debt limit off the table. He could say it’s unconstitutional and that his administration will ignore it. And he could also say I dgaf what SCROTUS or any judge says, this administration will not default, end of discussion. That’s how you play hardball, not all this feckless begging of the GOP and a rump antebellum SCROTUS. Schumer could be saying the same thing. The GOP s not a serious institution. Biden needs to stop this ridiculous charade today.
Why do the Dems NOT pay attention. The FIRST response to any question about this BS prop by the GOP should be along the lines of,
“The debt limit needs to raised to allow for spending already approved to continue. FUTURE changes to the budget are part of the budgeting process. That being said, these proposals to bankrupt America and leave the American people in a horrible situation are clearly not a serious framework for the work of the US Governement.”