Democrats Following The GOP Into The Anonymous Donor Game | Talking Points Memo

With 2012 on the horizon, Democrats have begun to open the door to anonymous donors, using the same kinds of organizations they criticized Republicans for relying on in 2010. The Los Angeles Times reports that Democrats are forming independent political organizations set up to accept unlimited and undisclosed contributions, in a sign that they have begun to play by the rules allowed by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.The Times mentions Majority PAC, “a new group aimed at electing Democrats to the Senate,” and American Bridge 21st Century, “which will serve as a research hub,” as examples of new Democratic so-called “super political action committees.” While super PACs report their contributors to the FEC, they can also take in unlimited amounts of money from nonprofit 501(c)(4) social welfare groups, which in turn can raise money from undisclosed donors. According to the Times, both Majority PAC and American Bridge 21st Century are affiliated with 501(c)(4) groups.

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