It’s very likely that the Supreme Court will take up a major mifepristone case this term after the Biden administration and a manufacturer of the drug asked the justices to hear it late last week.
SCOTUS has already shown they don’t care about standing or about whether an incident actually occurred. If they want to ban Mifepristone, they will. I’m not certain they want to do that, but it’s the only standard they have.
We should know that the Fascist Five of the compromised and corrupted court already have their opinions written, but by all means, let us have this farce play out.
"Women’s health” has already taken on the sense that “global warming” and “climate change” have in this depraved society: a phrase that is easily dismissed because no one feels like it affects them and quickly tune out stories that highlight it. “That’s someone else’s problem.” And more pointedly on this topic: ”She made bad choices, so she gets what she deserves.”
Where’s the countersuit by the doctors who are harmed because they have to deny care to a woman who needs it due to a state’s restrictive anti-abortion laws?
Democrats brace??? Don’t you mean Republicans because they are the dog that caught the car and it is only going to get worse for them if the reactionary Supreme Court makes things even harder on women.
mifepristone would not be available throughout the country
Because Republican politicians don’t like what it does. Because the fetus has a right to control the medication taken by the mother. Because no fetus has a formed mouth yet, Republican politicians will substitute their own preferences, being self-proclaimed holy and all.
Because no Republican woman has ever had an abortion.
And no Republican politician has ever paid for one.
And Biden is re-elected, the Democrats keep the Senate and take back the House. The last thing Republicans want is a ruling banning Mifepristone in the summer of 2024 making abortion a major, if not the major, issue in the election.
It’s on days like this that I console myself with the thought that Thomas and Alito can’t live forever, the demographic shifts in the country will favor Democrats over time, and whatever damage this court does to women’s rights can eventually be reversed.
The GOP is going to end up regretting the day Roe was overturned. It’s just going to take a while.
Good news! SCOTUS will be hearing the case regarding mifepristone.
Bad news! SCOTUS will be hearing the case regarding mifepristone.
Worse news! Doesn’t matter the outcome, there will be a long line of medications paraded through the Fifth Circuit - misoprostol, birth control, you name it. Not just to control women, but to cripple the FDA and its ability to make approved, safe medications (vaccines, anyone?) available.
I propose someone go after the little blue pill in the Fifth Circuit. And propose an amendment to the funding bills for Defense that it no longer be covered because it’s a recreational drug, after all.
I’ve been hearing this for over half my life, which amounts to at least one generation. It’s repeated like a mantra, almost along of the lines of “there are those of you standing here this day who will see the Kingdom of Heaven arrive.”
It was almost 60 years before Brown v Board of Education effectively ended Plessy v Ferguson. The damage this illegitimate court has inflicted is here to stay past our lifetimes.
(Please note: this is a response/lament to the sentiment expressed by the original poster, not to the poster himself.)
Given that cocaine, heroin and meth are as easy to get as a sac of potatoes all SCOTUS can do is add Mifeprex to that list. The drug is used all over the world…legally…so supply is out there. Go see the Eiffel Tower and bring back some Mifeprex.
SCOTUS will let Jesus, not the Constitution guide this one. Won’t change much but drive abortion meds onto the dark web and the underground markets and jack up their costs.
And when the adulterated knock offs start causing real, physical damage to women the Rethuglicans will double down and say that they told us the medication was harmful.
I agree but there might be something to the claim now. At no time in my more than 70 years was the GOP less concerned with their national image. Right now they’re a party of the 30% and they’ve got a cheering crowd in FOX, SCOTUS and the Freedom Caucus. But they don’t look out the window like they used to. They don’t stick their fingers in the political winds like they used. They’ve become insular to the point of refusing to see political reality. They live in a an opaque bubble. So perhaps there is something to the predictions of their demise based on their current cognitive dissonance.
I predict they will vote to not ban it - and it will be Mr. Balls and Strikes as the deciding vote. He’s a man of conviction: If the PR is threatens to get worse, he’ll vote any to try to mitigate it. That’s his only conviction.