Democrats Ask John Bolton To Testify In Impeachment Investigation | Talking Points Memo

the House impeachment inquiry asked former National Security Adviser John Bolton to testify

We promise we won’t do any of that liberal stuff, like kill babies or tax you until after you’re gone.


Protocols, forms to be kept, tradition. Where do they come from? Who knows?


Now there’s a name you don’t hear bandied about anymore. Wonder what he did to piss off the tRumpsters.


Naked, full frontal, foreign emoluments. The cheek! All the wrong-doing is okay as long as it’s flagrant.

Via @nycsouthpaw


He thought they might actually try to “drain the swamp” that Grover is certain exists. He seems to be sorely disappointed that instead they just started filling it with the worst grifters out there (and he didn’t get an invite).


We all want to be recognized and validated by our “peers”. /s


It kills me too, but I guess as absurdly hawkish as Bolton is, he isn’t on board with the mad dash for permanent oligarchic hegemony that McConnell inaugurated by daring to steal a SCOTUS seat. He’s an old-school bad guy.

But he’s still a bad guy.


Now we’ll see if he chooses party over country.

I’m betting he sticks by "Our heroic president made some poor choices that were misinterpreted’.

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Depends whether it’s duty or deviltry.

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I know - I just wanted to make you say “dootie”… <snicker>


To: TPM Comment Board
It has come to our attention that c. Troy has divulged some of the inner workings of HR. While a valued operative, we must point out that he has inacurately described both Mr. Bolton’s rejection, and the history of his facial hair.
We wish to inform you that Operative D - known to you as @squirreltown - was not involved in a vehicular incident in Italy. Of course, we can not divulge his whereabouts at this time.
Mr. Bolton’s facial hair actually comes from a rare walrus species, which also explains his work at the White House for the current president.
We trust this will settle the matter.
R. C.


Certainly he will sing like a demented something.


I hate Trump

Bolton hates Trump.

I hate Bolton AND Trump.

But, the enemy of my enemy is (could be- for the moment) MY FRIEND!

Hi John. Let’s talk. (And then, a Lysol shower, please)


Will the mustache have to testify too, and does it need to be subpoenaed separately?


But if he wants to remove 10 stories from Trump Tower…

No chuppee no shtuppee. It’s all about providing a cover, eh?

Coo-coo-ca-choo. :wink:


I’m mindful of the aphorism that if John Bolton is the adult in the room, we are all truly screwed.



I hope, and suspect, that the “official” crimes that Trump has been and is being investigated over, and may be impeached for, most notably the Ukraine extortion/bribery, conspiring with Russia to throw the 2016 election, obstruction, and emoluments (I’m sure I’ve left a bunch off), will end up being dwarfed and made secondary by what appears to be by far the biggest crime of all, Trump being Putin’s Manchurian Candidate, doing his bidding, passing him highest-level secrets, lifting or not enforcing sanctions, gutting the State Sept, etc. I.e. de facto if not literal treason. That’s the whole enchilada, everything else being relatively small potatoes. Trump is basically Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen times a thousand. This is what he needs to be nailed on, and this is what will finally turn the GOP against him, because they’ll have no choice, politically. A huge shoe is yet to drop, and this is it.

Trump is a Russian asset, a spy, a saboteur, and a fixer, for Russia. It’s absurd to deny it. It’s what he literally is, whether he realizes it or not (I bet he doesn’t, being so profoundly stupid, probably telling himself that it’s just two pals helping each other out). All that’s left is to come up with the evidence and lay it out. We know he’s done a lot of things for Russia that make no sense, that he’s praised and refused to criticize Russia and Putin on matters that make no sense, that he’s in constant touch with Putin and his cronies, and that he’s tried really hard to hide this, or at least the details. All that remains is to establish a clear and willful quid pro quo that shows that Trump is doing this not because he likes Putin and Russia or thinks it’s good policy, but because he’s been promised and given various things of value to him (beyond praise) by Putin, and because he’s been blackmailed by Putin.

This is the ultimate prize, to prove this, dwarfing all the other crimes he’s committed. It’s something he could and should go to prison for. I hope that Dems are pursuing this (thus the secrecy), and have or will soon have the goods. The evidence is out there, in the form of NSA intercepts, CIA intel, FBI surveillance, ally nation dirt, incriminating documents, and corroborating testimony from people who were in on it all. It all exists, I’m sure, and Dems have to get their hands on it. For all we know it’s being investigated by the DoJ, one of the investigations spun off by Mueller. And if Barr tried to shut those down then HE becomes an accessory to such treason (and of course obstruction). This would all be way more than enough to take down his regime and destroy the GOP for a generation.

I bet Bolton knows.