Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO), who served as an impeachment manager in the first impeachment of ex-President Donald Trump, warned on Wednesday night that failing to investigate the Capitol insurrection that Trump incited would be dangerous.
To paraphrase the maxim from the W. Bush era that was repeated endlessly by many of the same senators: If you’re not with us, you’re with the insurrectionists.
“If we are not honest about what it is we’re dealing with, if we’re not honest about the dangers of that movement, we will not address it in a way that we need to and we will be at risk,” he continued.
So let’s be honest and stop dancing around the subject. Just say, “The criminals in Congress are using their positions in it to protect themselves.”
No reason to put the crooks in charge. Call in Garland and demand a criminal investigation on ALL of them.
Yes we have a domestic terrorism movement. It is led by the Republican party in their attempt to make an autocratic state. They use stochastic terrorism to “keep their hands clean”. It is being done to foment insurrection.
Now my question is, why are we warning Republican politicians of things they know? Yes some are decent enough, and are would working against this. But in the general warning the criminal in the middle of their criminal act that they are committing a criminal act is somewhat humorous. They know that.
Democratic politicians have to understand this in simple terms. The insurrection is led by the top of the Republican party. I don’t understand why Democratic politicians cannot clearly see that at this point.
Because DOJ looks at the crimes. The commission would look at the whole picture, including lots of non-crime failures in the defenses around the Capitol.
Yeah, I got that. But once the scope and magnitude of the crimes is exposed by DOJ, I’d like to think that the other necessary investigations would fall into place. Maybe just wishful thinking.
Explain to me how you know what they do and don’t see. I can’t read minds from up close, let alone from a distance. My own guess is that if you see it, they see it.