Dem Incumbent Riggs: GOP Opponent’s ‘Mass Disenfranchisement’ Efforts Belong In Fed Court

Originally published at: Dem Incumbent Riggs: GOP Opponent’s ‘Mass Disenfranchisement’ Efforts Belong In Fed Court - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Democratic incumbent, and the apparent winner of the North Carolina Supreme Court race, filed a brief with the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday, laying out her argument for why a legal battle on the certification of the November race should remain in federal court.  The ongoing legal battle, which involves North Carolina…


If she can get this into the federal courts, is there any chance that the courts could revisit Shelby County in a more rational manner?


I have a real problem with the first line of this article.

Democratic incumbent, and the apparent winner of the North Carolina Supreme Court race

What is with the word “apparent”. There is nothing “apparent” about it.

Riggs won Griffin lost PERIOD.

Griffin with the help of other Republican first and only judges on both federal and state courts is hoping to steal the election. But the winner is and will always remain Riggs.


The NC GOP desperately want to steal the seat.

OTOH they DO NOT want to create a backlash by being obvious about it, because all but one of the state executive positions were won by the Dem’s (they also lost their supermajority in the House). Voters will punish the GOP in the '26 elections if they think they are being f*cked over. Count on it.


What’s this “apparent winner” bullshit? She won. Period. Say it loud and often. Equivocating only makes it easier for the fascist right to undermine democracy.


Why let it go to any court? She won.


Yeah, that seems like an unforced error to me. If the state court overturns the election, that would be the time for her to try to get it into federal court. Until then, she should treat it like the completely frivolous and meritless case it is.


When did Republicans become sure sore losers?


Since Eisenhower left office. Tricky Dick threw out the first curve-ball and they haven’t stopped since.


“Different lawyers, different opinions”, Abraham Lincoln when discussing the legality of his Emancipation Proclamation.

In my opinion, Supreme Court Justice Riggs (she is the incumbent) is correct in not risking an adverse opinion in a rigged state court by removing the case to federal court. That is it is different lifts for the federal courts to overrule a state supreme court versus taking jurisdiction from that court before it rules.

Obviously, as a sitting state Supreme Court Justice Riggs has a sound legal mind and I would be hesitant to disagree with her strategy but regardless of her own legal knowledge and experience I agree with her.


Where have you been the last decade.

Trump tried to violently overthrow the Government and the voters responded by electing him president.

The last thing the Republicans need to worry about from refusing to accept the results of an election is backlash from voters. Rather, for a Republican to refuse to accept defeat in a free and fair election from what I can tell is a positive.

Or has been said many times, Trump and the current GOP did not create their base but rather the base of the GOP created Trump and today’s GOP.


Not sure, but they are generally sore winners too.


In my opinion Republicans became this way when in 2000 the strategy to steal an election worked.

To be sure, they never accepted the legitimacy of Bill Clinton, that is what his impeachment was really about. But it was not until they were so greatly rewarded by a Republican first and only Supreme Court that they made refusal to accept the results of any election, including as jmacaz points out when they win, Republican orthodoxy.

But the point is that they were able to steal an election in 2000 embolden them to never accept the results of any election and especially when they lose.


Yep, I still remember DonOLD complaining about how he had way more votes cast for him in 2016 than what was reported. He’s a sore winner and loser.


Yeah, sorry, man. NC is gerrymandered AF. No amount of citizen ire can overturn that. The NCGA has seen to it.


I remember that the R’s strategy was to keep the pressure on anyone involved in the count, no difference whether it was true or legal. Just keep shouting, until Guido got the word. In 2000, these mooks learned that bullying works, and they have just got better at it every year.


Once again, the GQP demonstrates that when they lose a race, they lie, cheat, and steal. It’s disgusting.


Dem Incumbent Riggs: GOP Opponent’s ‘Mass Disenfranchisement’ Efforts Belong In Fed Court

It’s an old story told many times.

Here it is from the lips of the father of modern Republican conservatism. We don’t want everybody to vote.

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Incoming Treasury Secretary Scott Kenneth Homer Bessent says that the federal minimum wage needs to remain at $7.25 an hour. Teens in minimum wage jobs in 1967 made $1.65 an hour, which in 2024 dollars is $15.70 an hour. Since this proposal means that minimum wage workers cannot reach basic subsistence, it requires a subsistence wage definition as well. The current living wage in LA is just under $27 an hour. Yalie Bessent has never faced precarity, and made a lot off other people’s money. Financial markets are concerned. Investment banker Hank Paulson oversaw the Lehman bank collapse that announced a global financial crisis. It is comforting to know that next time around, incompetence at Treasury will hardly be noticed by a large swath of Americans as they will already be living in wage slavery. A full-time minimum wage annual salary amounts to $15,000 a year.

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Trashed on Bloomberg this morning, with lower than low potential and abilities and expectations of serious damage to the dept and US. Excellent!!