Defense Dept. Loosens Strict Requirements For Treatment On Navy Hospital Ship


It’s the AGENCIES that are gouging, not the nurses! I guarantee that the nurses see not a penny of that! The blame shifting is utter bullshit!

Half of the hospitals in Michigan’s largest health system are at capacity, CEO says

From CNN’s Jasmine Wright

Half of the hospitals inside Beaumont Health system, which describes itself as Michigan’s largest, are at capacity due to the increasing Covid-19 cases and it faces a crunch that includes its staffing, finances and supplies, CEO John T. Fox told CNN.

The eight hospital system located in the southeast region of the state is currently treating nearly 950 hospitalized, confirmed cases and an additional 91 who are suspected of having the virus as of 3 p.m. Thursday.

“Our biggest rate limiter is staffing,” Fox said in an interview with CNN. “The politicians are getting on the podium and saying, ‘we’re building a 900-bed field hospital over here, 500-bed one over there.’ But those are empty buildings of no value without the staff. They often don’t have pharmacies, they don’t have labs, they don’t have a lot of things and so it becomes a fiction.”

Fox also called on the state of Michigan to do more in terms of load balancing patients between hospitals in the state, as Beaumont has found it difficult to do on their own.

Fox says price gouging among agency nurses factors into the inability to acquire more staff and sucks available funds from the system. Agency nurses are contracted by hospitals at a price to help supplement staff nurses temporarily.

Twenty days ago, agencies would charge $60 an hour for a nurses with everything included. That price has more than doubled, with the agencies bidding hospitals against one another to secure a nurse for $130, sometimes $150 an hour, Fox said.


So they’re going to show a little mercy on the Mercy? How fitting.

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That’s basic Capitalism. If you want socialism move to freaking Venezuela or Norway.

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Changing the federal HHS webdite to confirm to Kushner’s lies.

The American Experiment might not be completely over, but the grant money is being withdrawn.


Truth be told, sending the USNS Comfort emergency hospital ship in New York City was for Trumpian Optics only…but the they were called out about having THREE patients while NY hospitals are bursting to the seams and dead bodies are refrigerated in additional trucks outside the hospitals…over 100K infected!

SO NOW THEY MUST DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO FIX TRUMPIAN BAD OPTICS - hence the loosening of strict requirements BUT…

If I’m blunt about it, it’s a joke,” Michael Dowling, the head of Northwell Health, told the New York Times.


Anyone recently get kicked out of Huffpost, to were when you try to relog in it says you email isn’t valid? Asking for a friend!

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Anyone surprised that Ivanka’s husband sounds like an idiot…yeah me neither…ha ha ha.


This afternoon’s presser: “It isn’t a ship for sick people who don’t have Corona but need hospitalization…”


Two sleazy people by dawn’s early light
And too much in grift to say goodnight.


So, you come upon a man at death’s door due to dehydration. Lost in the forest, a camping trip. He’s immobile on the forest floor. After a brief conversation you find out he has a home, paid off, in the city, and $100,000 in the bank. You tell him if he gives you all of it he can have some water, and then you’ll transport him to a local hospital. Otherwise he can take a pass on the offer, and pray like hell someone else comes along.



The problem was, you couldn’t be sent to the ship until you had tested negative for COVID. I don’t know how long it takes to run the test, but some people have to wait 7 days for a result. If you show up to an ER, you probably don’t have that kind of time to wait for treatment, so being forced to wait for a negative test result from the hospital lab which is desperately overrun with waiting testing kits, where testing kits are even available, is the same thing as saying you can’t go to this ship.


Anything to not do Obama care. Sure this will go without a hitch……NOT

My understanding is an agreement was reached where Comfort was to take on nonCoVid patients to relieve hospital of chronically ill, from jump.

The Navy said that to decontaminate a ship was huge reason not to houseCoVid patients.

I get that. So, it appears that NYC does not have hundreds of chronically ill, COPD, diabetes, asthma, cardiac & stroke patients to fill Comfort. Understandable.

This is why Jacob Javits with 2K beds was initially designated for NON CoV patients. It now has been designated for CoV patients.

The military has not been willing to place those who defend our national security at risk by providing medical service to those with CoV.

That is understandable. What if our enemies decide to attack us now when we are vulnerable? Will our troops be unable to because 20% are dealing with CoV themselves?

This is a very strategic balance between placing our defense at risk & deploying help.

I am frightened. I can see this as Pearl Harbor moment when 90% of US fleet was there prime for picking!

We must see both sides. I want help for all but not if it means we will not be ready fromNational Security standpoint.

I am siding with military readiness for ANY perceived vulnerability an enemy may see as reason to strategically attack now.

If our Navy ships become decontaminated without time to decontaminate our entire national safety will be at risk of soldiers ill while trying valiantly to defend us.

There are no easy answers.

But if the doubling of the hourly rate doesn’t go to the worker but to the agency…?

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And I get your point, but I wonder what the admissions/transfers paperwork was like to get the non-COVID-19 chronically ill to the ship was like? If hospitals are over run, who will have the time to pull together the patient’s medical history and files?


announced on Friday that it would ease the process of allowing patients to receive care on the USNS Comfort emergency hospital ship

Took a f**king public shaming to get to this point. WTF is wrong with these people?


I know you’re not in Houston, but the hospitals there are filling up and the local C19 stats aren’t reflecting that.

Dr. Peter Hotez, an infectious disease expert and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said the disconnect between the number of positive test results and the number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 suggests that a significant majority of coronavirus cases are going undetected here.

“We know that about 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 COVID-19 patients needs to be hospitalized, so what you’re seeing in hospital admissions would suggest that the actual number of cases could be 5 to 10 times higher in Texas than what’s been reported to this point.”


No I"m in Dallas and they are busy trying to get ready for the tsunami they know is coming. They just extended our lockdown until May 20.

All my gratitude goes to our County Judge Clay Jenkins. He’s fabulous but all his hard work will be as for nothing if the rest of the state doesn’t get serious.


This is the same ship that sat at anchor in Puerto Rico and only took on a few patients. I never saw a report as to how many patients were treated on this ship including the number of days it was sitting at anchor. I always was surprised that the press did not look into it. General Honore in Puerto Rico started to make a few critical comments and suddenly he was disappeared from covering the situation by CNN. Now he shown up on MSNBC - a good man now seemingly censored.


And don’t forget it’ll take probably a week for the HMO to sign off on care. Just pray the ship isn’t considered out of network. Isn’t our healthcare system just peachy?

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